Your plans for 2023?

Oh well, good luck to you too on that and thanks for saying as much. Grim indeed :neutral_face:

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You too buddy!!

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My plans for 2023:

  1. Make sounds that I enjoy
  2. Make sounds that others enjoy

I might publish something, but that’s not a high priority


Not asking for any kind of details, but just throwing it out there, if al-anon doesn’t offer what you are looking for you might also try CoDa (Co-Dependents Anonymous).

I also, I just want to acknowledge how heavy the need to stay away from ones mom must be. hang in there

Appreciate the recommendation–I will look into that and thanks for your sensitivity although I will spare you (and the forum) any details I don’t feel any sort of shame in discussing it; but it’s also one of those things which just amounts to complaining when discussing it with people I am close to, as they don’t seem to have any relative experience.

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I don’t want to be Buzz Killington here either, but just to clear out I thought he meant that his mother is an alcoholic and I just wanted to express that I too unfortunately know what that’s like.

It’s weird how my english oftentimes fails me when stuff is kinda sensitive, anyways carry on everybody.

Plans!! :slight_smile:


She’s not any longer, she’s in her 70s now and her life has been a low smoldering dumpster fire my entire life and I finally realized that I better take care of my soul from nihilating much more from it.



  • Release an album on vinyl
  • Collaborate with another musician on at least one track
  • Start a new project in a new genre and release at least one single with it


  • Publish an article in a well respected magazine
  • Donate at least 2% of the year gross income to an effective charity (probably, GiveWell or similar)
  • Improve my Dutch to solid B1

I’ve had an idea for a while that I finally took the first step of: satirical YouTube videos.

Some background: I write for a website called The Hard Times. I’ve been a writer there since 2017. Satire/humor writing has become one of my main hobbies. Here’s an article you elektronauts may like.

Anyhoo, I had the idea to start doing videos to satirize the world of Music YouTube. I watch way too much, and I frequently get annoyed at how inauthentic it is. I have a list of about 30 ideas, and I just put out the first one. (It’s also a devious way to promote my own music via end credits :smiling_imp:)

I’m aiming for a pace of one or two per month. I’m feeling good about already getting a start this early into the year.

  • quit my job
  • start my own business
  • cope better with anxiety
  • read more books
  • keep exercising without getting injured
  • meditate daily
  • support my kids in growing up
  • go to sleep earlier
  1. Finish my eurorack setup. (Yea, yea, I know).
  2. Perform with it.
  3. Live healthier.

My main goal = solidify what I’m doing with my “experiment” aka: going from being a guitarist in bands to making electronic music.

My goal in 2022 was to see if electronic music might be a world I wanted to play with as a hobby. Coming from guitar music this was an itch I always wanted to scratch. It turned out I was hooked and got a lot out of it. Via a lot of great convos on here I landed with a bit of hardware. I guess the lesson from 22 was to just (within reason & finance permitting) crack on and try stuff; focussing more on trial and error than worrying about the errors part.

I’m carrying that on into 2023, except now I want to lock down my DAW. It looks like Ableton is the one, but I also want to at least try Logic before I fully commit. I’m already writing tracks in both hardware and software which is heloing me find my preferred sound and process. It would be tempting to skip this. But it’s valuable to me to see how different gear encourages different ways of working and also different musical outcomes.

By the end of the year I’d like to be settled with whatever gear/software I want to use and then focus on the writing 100%. Either way, it’s a nice problem to have (working through this for the first time) and starting from a blank slate is also lots of fun too - which is of course the whole point.


Ditto, minus the business.

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Depending on the hardware synthesizer, audio in will at many times also allow you to hook your guitar as an input (provided you at least amplify it to line level) and then mangle/process with the effects and combine with other oscillators.

Some also feed the Audio In before the filter so you can get the guitar going through the full signal chain.

Not all have that and you’d need to see how they implemented line in (sometimes it also comes in through a CV port doubling as an audio input).

But it might be an avenue of exploration.

I’ll release a thing or two produced on my blackbox. No new gear in sight, tho anything that’ll enhance my workflow will get my attention.


I’ve already listed my 2023 plans but here’s an interesting video from a tabletop wargaming YouTuber Tabletop Minions talking about how there have been studies that suggest the following: telling people your goals makes you less likely to reach them.

The basic gist is that reaching a goal gives you a dopamine hit and so does telling people (especially if they give you positive feedback). So you are therefore getting a small reward (or lots of small rewards) without even completing your goal, making completing the actual goal less important.

Not sure if it’s a conclusive finding, but it’s interesting.

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I don’t often make specific plans for musical activities, but this year I do have a plan of sorts:

  1. Release new album.
  2. Get some positive reviews of it.
  3. Hopefully reach enough people to warrant a) getting some gigs, and b) releasing another one.
  4. Complete prep for live set.
  5. Low to no risk test of set at an EMOM night.
  6. Play some ‘proper’ gigs.

So far I’ve done:
Item 1 - although it was finished last June, yesterday was the first free release slot in the Woodford Halse schedule.
Item 4 - got the Akai Force 2 weeks ago and the Ableton import is epic. Takes a while to load up projects with lots of cut up stems, so the OT will be on hand for ‘bookends’ between tunes, and possibly a bit of loose improv. Sequential Take 5 works well with this setup.
Item 5 - there are a couple in London 1 or 2 monthly so should be doable.
Item 6 - already got a couple potentially lined up for spring/summer.

Whilst I didn’t post this just so I can bray about the new album, I’m jolly well going to link you to it!

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Well, I went to my first al-anon meeting and can strike that off my jolly list. Interesting experience and I will likely go back but not sure if it’s for me. I can see how these meeting can turn a person into a better listener by design as after a person talks you don’t ask them questions etc. about what they said so it sort of frees up the mind to just concentrate on what they are saying vs trying to make some point about what was shared. Anyways, a very kind group of people and all of them seemed to be at least 20 years older than me.


After I finish my bachelor’s thesis in about three weeks I want to first do things that eliminate the stress in me. After that I want to make a lot of music.

In general I want to progress in my job career and make more money while not having to work more (just more responsibilities). And I want to get in shape again. I have a dad bod ATM and hate it. I used to be a beast and miss it. Want to stay healthy for my kids.

But I’m lucky to say that I’m happy. Life is treating me good


More sex, more drugs, more rock and roll.