Your plans for 2023?

You’re up for the new Genre Fuck Rock.


Yes interesting. I can believe the logic and the study that he cites. But there is a caveat (that is semi-acknowledged) in the video: telling friends or others a goal who you have no responsibility or accountability to is probably pointless and falls into the dopamine trap; they will forgive/forget and let you carry on as before. Telling people who will then expect you to deliver on a stated goal and invest time/energy/money into you achieving this goal will help you to achieve it.

Anecdotally, being someone who has hidden goals and ideas in the past, I can say that approach has done nothing to help achieve them :rofl:

This year I’m embracing telling goals to those who can make a difference to achieve them :crossed_fingers:

got an unexpected great news this week

getting €350k inheritance from my dad so i’ll finally buy an apartment and not pay rent anymore

also finish some tracks this year of course


Care less about the quality of my music and focus on creating stuff that I personally enjoy.

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You can even have your tracks made by a subcontractor now !

  • Downsizing my Modular and my synth set
  • Saving more money
  • Buying an apartment with a fireplace
  • But I’m living in Switzerland so…
  • Downsizing my Modular and my synth set
  • Saving more money

Good news for you: I have a CS-80 to sale. €350k and it’s ok.


I think I’ll stick to the arturia plug-in, thanks lol

If you hold out for a GX-1, you can probably cover it in tarps and live in it.



added: SH-4d.
already reserved money for it.


Sober Life
Upgrade the people I hang out with
Get out in the meatspace more especially nature


1/ exercise more and lose weight
2/ spend less and invest more
3/ master my gear
4/ master my DAWs
5/ produce quality tracks toward an EP release
6/ develop skills at work and perform well to avoid layoffs


Got a pet yet?


How much are places in Switzerland? Such a lovely country really enjoyed my trip to Zurich on business years ago. But quite expensive place!

Not yet, but decided on a pair of Holland Lops. A local breeder should have a new litter this Fall.


The flat rents are… amazingly high. But monthly taxes are even higher.

true but wages higher as well to offset the higher living costs and taxes? I recall my taxi driver picked us up in a nice large Mercedes!

Some of that is significant tax breaks for German cars throughout a lot of central Europe; they’re kind of the default taxis.

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Are you cereal? I’ve actually lived in Switzerland an hour from Zurich. How much money you make? It’s one of the most expensive places in the world to live. If you’re worried about lay offs but talking about living in Switzerland you better have a job lined up there or you’re going to experience cognitive dissonance when reality hits you.

I was curious thats all relax my dude! Layoffs are happening everywhere now so it is a concern for many not just me.