Your reverse cymbal technique

hi there,
i wonder to know how do you make the reverse cymable effect on SY, with DT it’s super easy :slight_smile: juste reverse the cymbal but i can’t figure how to do it via synthesis.
any leads?

No idea how the Syntakt works, to be honest.

Buuut, generally speaking you’d be looking for long attack and extremely short release envelopes. Both on amp and filter.
It’s hard though, you’d really need to push the last few dozens of milliseconds of the sound – maybe get some well timed LFO on overdrive or filter resonance in there too.

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yep not easy

There’s no reverse parameter in syntakt like digitakt has for it’s samples, so don’t think it’s possible.

I don’t own a SY but maybe you can use two tracks, one for the mentioned slow attack reverse part and one for the final „crash“ if that makes sense…

Put a trig down and P lock the envelope on one trig with a long attack and short decay. Mayb put down a trig and nudge it wherever p lock some multi lfo on parameters to get the initial hit and adjust.

  • Make the cymbal sound so it stays bright and the overtones don’t decay
  • Use low pass filter with long attack**, use resonance for the reverse “wash”
  • Use Trig Menu (most left button) to make the exact length*

quick example:

*Edit: Alternatively, set a super short trig on the “1” of the pattern so it chokes the cymbal with silence.

**Or the LFO -> Filter Freq with exponential in reverse