Your Valentines Day True Love- Name your ONE device that you want to know is special to you...❤️

It’s got to be the Digitakt for me.
I don’t think Ableton was happy when it was shunned for the clicky buttons of the takt.
But since overbridge, I sometimes have a go on em both together, and I like to think all three of us are happy that way.


Does it come with a xox style sequencer and trig conditions?

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Talk about Sophies choice! Maybe I’m not monogamous enough, but it is a toss up between the SP404 and the Maschine MK 3.

Different families in different towns… just like my step dad.

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I know I’m not around that much atm but I love you, Iridium.

Same for my sidechick named Dominion 1.

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MC-101. Really.

Sequential OB-6.

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this one goes out to my upright bass.

you might be 100 years old and weathered to hell but i still love and want to dance with you the rest of my days


I can’t decide, but it might be A4 (MK2).

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the neighbor tracks is where it get interesting



norand mono

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I heard there is a special Rick Astley feature on it.

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Polyend Tracker

Idea generation machine.

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Virus! You infect me with infinite possibilities.

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the :black_heart: Octatrack :black_heart: of course…it‘s complicated

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The obvious answer for me is the Model Cycles. I love her so much it hurts. But, the Model Samples has become my mistress. As much as I love those two and pairing them together, the Moog Werkstatt has made me cry on multiple occasions, the Nord Drum 3P is the most fun to actually play, and my effects boxes (Zoia and DL4MKII) are wonderous playgrounds of excitement and exploration. This post has really made me think about what a wonderful collection of noisemakers I have assembled and how blessed I am to have them all, even though I can’t stop obsessing over new gear. So, though my first answer was Model Cycles, I think the right answer is the Werkstatt.


Dirtywave M8. It and my guitar are the only two instruments I have finished writing songs on, and for me, between the two of them, the M8 has the better track record.

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Apple Mac for me

Funnily enough IG through up a Feb 14 ‘memory’ from a few years back… so romantic



The one and only Elektron MonoMachine.

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OB6 with NL3 as a bit on the side.

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