YouTube channel of classical music sequenced on M:S

This guy’s channel deserves more attention!

Some of these are really wonderful, must take forever to sequence especially the ones where the chord machine is the core of the sequence.

His most recent one:


I almost always find synthetic interpretations of classical/acoustic pieces inferior to the originals. From switched on Bach to Union Jacks’s “Fromage Frais”. This is no different. But I appreciate the performance.

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Same here - they’re almost always just the notes plonked into a sequencer with no regard for feel or expression. Beautifully composed music ends up sounding incredibly flat and lifeless.

Some of Isao Tomita’s are pretty good, he puts effort into the timbres but still don’t find it as pleasing as acoustic renditions.

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haha well, i don’t think anyone’s goal in doing this sort of thing is to be better than debussy or bach! it’s mostly an exercise, but still nice to listen to.

however, have you ever heard naked city do Debussy?

it’s a rare instance where the modern electric version is significantly better than the piano version in my opinion - top notch musicians helps (bill frisell is on guitar!) but the arrangement itself is absolutely brilliant:


Zorn is a madman and brilliant arranger/composer. I think he often gets over-associated with that sound that peels paint from the walls and corneas out of eyeballs (which, I also happen to find brilliant).

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Thanks, I didn’t know it. Interesting but still… not my cup of tea.

For context, I also hate most acoustic versions of electronic/techno tunes, Jeff Mills “the bells” by the Montpellier orchestra being the pinnacle of cringe for me. And I absolutely love the original.

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