Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Spoiler free discussion)

Keeping my fingers crossed for you both!

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Yes, I really missed it in the first half hour and hope I will get it back soon. Have a feeling they will keep it from me for like 30 hour to then make it feel really special to get it back.

I was not a huge fan of BOTW but I feel like I should get this anyway. I donā€™t know. My favorite game is Elden Ring on Series X, and I also love the Diablo series and Vampire Survivors if that gives any context.

I love action RPGs and the older Zeldas so maybe BOTW just didnā€™t click with me for whatever reason.

So far this seems like a better version of BotW, so maybe you wonā€™t like it either

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Yeah BOTW is one of those games where I am like - I should love this, why am i not? But sometimes I just have to actually commit to playing it for a while to see what happens. I didnā€™t hate BOTW, it may have just been wrong time.

How is it on handheld compared to docked? I think I need to revisit playing handheld games. I docked my switch in my studio and while the bigger TV is great, I feel like the Switch is super cool as a handheld experience.

If you create multiple user profiles on the Switch, each will have its own save file.


Thanks! Will look into this!

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I never liked BOTW but I was up for 4 hours last night playing this and I like this so much moreā€¦really good.



I had my moments with BotW

This follows a similar formula. Most if my enjoyment is coming from a sense of nostalgia from when I played breath of the wild.

Its a much chiller game than I was expecting(I donā€™t know why)

I definitely prefer Elden Ring to this, honestly(by a lot)

I miss Torrent


Yeah itā€™s downloading now so I guess I will see. Iā€™ll keep an open mind. Crazy high reviews got me.

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Now I know why nobody is approving my pull request at work, nor is that approval likely to happen before Monday


I played about 400 hours worth and the vast majority was handheld, really enjoyed it. The earlier parts of BOTW are tough and kinda annoying but it makes it so much sweeter once you get into it, it all pays off.

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I felt like the first 30 hours of BOTW were the best, when everything was still intimidating and mysterious. After around 50 hours it got a bit disappointing, as you became so powerful that you could pretty much do anything without thinking ahead.


Iā€™ve gotta say, after playing Returnal for 20 hours, Link feels way more clunky than I expected. Iā€™ll get used to it, but I do not like how movement feels.


In case anyone was wondering. None of my students took the day off. Iā€™m disappointed in them.

Hichu mode

In case of wonder
No student took the day off
Iā€™m disappointed


Man this gameā€¦. Wow. Opening moments are one of the best.

I didnā€™t gel with BotW. Really enjoy it, but it missed a lot of the Zelda character I loved in pre skyward sword games.

This game makes BotW feel like a tech demo. Have not loved a Zelda game this much since Twilight Princess and Majoraā€™s Mask.


Personally, a lot of the mechanics feel a little clunky :grinning:

I wasnā€™t expecting UltraHand to maneuver in this manner. And all the previews were like "craft your way across this vast world- but for the first few Hyrule hours, youā€™ve only got fans and flames.

The aggravating thing is you feel EVERY INCH of the map when youā€™re exploring it and cry a little when that stamina wheel dries up


Yeah, Iā€™m very quickly discovering that in the years since I last payed a game with stamina bar, Iā€™ve grown to hate them. Iā€™m trying not to preemptively judge it but Iā€™m not feeling that sense of wonder that I felt with BotW at all.