Zero Crossing workaround

Is there a way to prevent sample start clicks resulting from the lack of zero-crossing functionality?
I have tried several, including fine-tuning (in case it is the sample end), shifting start and end (but 0-120 scale seems too coarse in this case), filter envelope, although the latter does not sound seamless.

Last options - to recreate the sound and phrase, or just move on. Be good to know if Rytm
helps prevent that.

A really simple trick I use is just to increase the atk on the amp envelope from 0 to a very small number (1-3). This helps the clip. You can do the same with the filter envelope with bandpass or lowpass with the envelope amount in the negative will help.


Thanks for your reply.

Quite logical; I actually tried this first thing, but for some reason changes to adsr do not appear to affect samples (not sure in what circumstances, but this is the case here).

The AR amp envelop does not retrigger with each note. Try adjusting the note length and amp release time so that the envelop has time to reset

Envelopes starting with a little square are the ones that reset

I have 2 tricks for you:

  • you can finetune the startpoint with way more resolution than 120 using velocity mod. I’ve explained the trick in the rytm tips&tricks thread, should be easy to look up. Once you get used to it, or even set it up as a template on some pads, its really easy to use.
  • the amp env doesnt reset as explained above, but you can use the lfo as an amp envelope that does reset! (Set it to trigger on every trig, and One, so that it only goes through the waveform once, and than set the wave to ramp and the target to amp vol. Try different time setting to increase the attack).

Sorry for being a little short on explaining, but you should be able to find both tricks explained at length in the thread I mentioned… These 2 tricks should solve all sample finetuning/clicking issues, they did for me!


Thanks a lot.

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