Zoom Ms-70 CDR

Just thinking about this the other way around, if you put two different mono sources into it, and through stereo fx, would it come out the other end with two separate signals that had been processed individually on the L and R out (obviously processed by the same algorithm)?

Thinking about picking one of these up for one of my synths. Anybody have any issues running this through usb bus power in relation to noise / hum? My power strip only has usb bus power plugs left and I would power it through those. Thanks!

I never had any usb power noise issues with it.


Thanks for the quick response. I’ve also heard that the Zoom MS-60b may have a slight roll off of the highs due to it being a pedal meant for bass guitar. Any truth to that? I’m up in the air on which to buy, realistically I don’t need the amp sims. I’d rather opt for more delay, reverb, chorus on the MS-70cdr

Not sure. I only owned the 60b a few months before giving it to a friend, and I think I was just running a BS2/MD/TT605 through it.

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Just came across this pedal. Looks interesting. Has anybody put a drum machine through it?

Yes with some great results. It’s not the best quality pedal but it’s really versatile. It’s absolutely worth the price. Just get one.

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I use one as an fx send on my mixer, so I can dedicate more boutique reverbs to specific instruments. Good budget option.


^^ that’s the way to do it.

Same here: use it as a send/return but return on a dedicated channel so I can play around with feedback :slight_smile:
ABSOLUTELY worth the price.
If you spend the time on it (ie building your own FX), you will be surprised.
Going to get a second one :slight_smile:

Wait, can it go full wet (kill dry) to be used as FX send?

Among the included effects in the categories suited for sends (reverbs, delays, sfx) I found these able to produce 100% wet:

  • HD Hall
  • Auto Pan
  • Reverse Delay
  • Ring mod
  • Octave
  • PitchShift
  • MonoPitch

I did get the feeling some of the choruses also were 100% wet but these are not really suited as send effects anyhow, since timing of dry/wet needs to be exact down to the millisecond.

In StompShare (Zoom website) there were a lot of 100% wet effects. Here are some included in the MS70-CDR:

  • Slap Back Reverb
  • Ice delay
  • Lo Fi Delay
  • Chamber
  • Shimmer Reverb
  • Church
  • Particle Reverb
  • Gate and Reverse Reverb
  • Plate

Here are some effects that are true stereo in and out:

  • Slap Back Reverb
  • Auto Pan Delay
  • Lo Fi Delay
  • Slow Attack Delay
  • Church
  • Tremolo Reverb
  • Mangled Space

It’s easy to confirm the delays are true stereo since panning hard left produces delays only in the left channel. The reverbs I included here show some differences even on the 100% wet signals when panning the input. Most other reverbs, although stereo out, seems to ignore input panning.

EDIT: Run any “cheap” hardware synth through the Ensemble FX to fatten things up: great results.

Hope this helps,


Is there no option to adjust tempo manually for delays? Is there only tap tempo?

I think that’s correct, unfortunately!

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All these knobs and a good hands on interface, seems like quite the omission. Not a deal breaker though, really enjoying the fx so far!

Yeah, just got to embrace the slightly out of time delays as something to add extra groove :wink:

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It’s funny because I was just thinking that. I need to break away from everything being tempo synced and to the grid. A blessing in disguise perhaps!


Actually the tap tempo is pretty handy as you get an actual visual of the tempo :slight_smile:

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Hi guys.
Ive just bought this pedal but its not working. I’m running it off batteries into an amp. The amp is tested and working fine. I have to connect a jack into the right input for it to start up. And then connect my guitar into the left jack (mono). Which is the opposite of what it should be. However in the troubleshooting section it says you have to connect the input jack to the amp if running off batteries. Which is what im doing. But i’m getting no sound at all through the amp. It was however working yesterday. All i did was add a few patches to the memory. The batteries are fully charged and brand new? I’m perplexed as i’ve run out of ideas?

Many thanks for any help.

Try connecting the guitar to the right jack, and the amp to the left jack. There’s no way the pedal would switch inputs/outputs when running on battery.

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