1.30 Mega thread


anyone tried to sequence anything like a sh101 with the impulse?
i tried hard but no success, and to me that would be the most useful new thing…

I can drive a Dark Energy along with it, but DE needs to have a pretty short specific envelope set up so that the release phase is reached - it won’t work if the negative impulse is used - it WILL also work from a sample of an impulse, the impulse m/c ( or sample ) is only really useful for anything that needs a low level brief trig - i was surprised the Doepfer got trigged tbh !

got it ! thanks for the info, i was really excited by that :confused:

Here’s a 3 minute excerpt of a tune I’m working on with 100% new Rytm synthesis machines.

Synth is BD silk with filter FM.
Tones are Impulse with filter resonance.

Nice track, doOd!

havent GASsed this hard in a while :sob:

Thank you soo much Elektron for this awesome update! This such a great gift to the users of the Rytm. It seemed like it was missing some flexibility and now I believe with this update that all of the tools for analog drum sculpting are there. Now I think this will reduce my need for going to samples for the sounds I have been longing for in the Rytm. Thanks Elektron!

That’s a good way to put it.
Between the sample options and new analog machines, this machine is right at the top of the heap in terms of having a wide sound palette.

This is awesome! and right in time for the weekend too. :joy: :+1:

Nice job Elektron folks.


Again, very happy with the update. The hats, noise & pinging are awesome plus bd plastic, sharp & cb metallic work great for synth parts (and have solid tuning & tracking). Don’t know if cb metallic is supposed to have different timbres when you bring detune in and out, but i’m very fond of the different sounds the oscillator does. Sounds a bit like a clavinet at times

was using the impulse machine to clock and trigger the modular at work today. it totally kicks ass.

Here a little test with the new features:

Heres some ideas I made with the new machines, Ive been completely hooked on the impulse to filter with FM idea. Trig locking the filter at different increments as pitch along with movements in the LFO, resonance, decay etc. I cant believe how amazing the update is, I’m getting the kinda sounds that I’ve been striving for with the RYTM and it really suits my style :slight_smile: Thankyou Elektron!

This second one has come on a long way since yesterday (May post something later on), I have now copied the impulse melody over twice once to be used with the noise generator and again to pitch it down an octave for a tom bass also with impulse. Then added a really emotional breakdown using the A4 (didn’t think there was room for that with this idea but it works so well over the main impulse hook repeating).

Really good stuff, James! What’s the device you have on the left? Looks pretty useful for mapping loads of controls.

uh yeah :slight_smile:
the new machines really rock… what a bass and sound sculpting super box… no need to add another synth or modular for now… if it wasnt before… now its the number 1 drum box !!!

ok… now breakfast and then another day and night of sound mangling…

feels like birthday :-))… all of you have fun with the new engines!!!

The update does not work for me at all unfortunately. In Live i have no routed inputs, and in Logic, i get “Failed to load audio unit, contact manufacturer”.

I am on MAC OSX 10.11.4, Live 9.6.1, Logic 10.2.1 Constant crashings etc etc…

Could someone explain how works the “impulse to filter with FM idea” ? I’m fully into AR, synths and modulars, yes, but don’t understand what is going on here !

Very nice upgrade with new machines, expanding AR capabilities upon new frontiers!

Though, I had 2 freezes in 2 days, obvisously when I save a kit while a pattern is running. This operations had always been smooth up to now, it seems to be an issue with 1.30

excite a resonant filter with a click and subtly FM the filer freq at audio rates



Don’t forget the unfortunate souls on here who have in-laws in (/sheepishly raises hand) and don’t have permission the ability to spend double-digit hours sculpting those rich new tones.

Bring us on your adventure. Fill our longings us with your tips and tricks!!!

Have a blast ya’ll. Lucky jerks. :wink: