1.30 Mega thread

The guys demonstrate this on the release video and also if you browse through the demo patches theres some nice examples of this. The bell tone / modular kinda sounding ones. You not using an Osc just resonant the filter as Avantronica stated. Really kicks off when you start applying some fm to it to. And also I found that even trig locking the impulse settings can create some nice push and pull feelings on the decay and attack.
Does anyone know how the BD Sharp waveforms are produced? Is it digital or analog? It sounds amazing and if its digital I can now understand why people invest in digital oscillators for modular setups.

My calibration keeps coming up failed on filter sweep 1 and filter res 1 tried now about 8 times any pointers to why .

Also is it me or does it feel like the new engines are also deeper in their synthesis options than before? Like the ride cymbal for example. This update has made a few of my other drum machines redundant.

The oscillators are 100% analog, digitally controlled
Noise machines are digital, impulse too

edit: AR is technically VCO / A4 technically DCO fwiw

and this is my techno morning

Imp machine Ftw

love the idea of three components to the new cymbal machine


I made an “Impulse machine only” session this morning : it is incredible how deep are the synthesis possibilities with the filter + FM by LFO multiple wavforms, of classic mod by filter enveloppe !

I succeed to make classic high resonance kick with the filter env (short decay), that soooo deep :smiley: The hidden AR kick machine !

Really good these clips… classy !! especialy the mills esque Stabs of inlet :+1:
Haven’t managed to try the update yet as in the middle of a project and I’m scared to mess it up. Ha. Never quite trust my backups have worked. :slight_smile:

[quote="" panelist""]

yaaaaaaaaa that’s what I want to hear!
if we can work the 606 hat sounds from the AR, I will be overjoyed :joy: [/quote]
Well, after a practice session yesterday, I am leaning to that conclusion, as the 606 stayed in the bag the whole time and no-one felt there was anything missing from the drums. Silky bd, the new snare, and the 3 partial cymbal gives me alot of he feel I used to coax from the 606. Kinda sounds the same (familiarity) but fresher!

Struggling with replicating the hihat feel though. Will need to dig into things more.

Love the silky bd for it’s ability to punch even with a lo-fi PA :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hi SB-SIX, sounds fantastic! What is the 303isch sound?

Simon is a bad ass on the Rtym as well!

Hi SB-SIX, sounds fantastic! What is the 303isch sound?[/quote]
Cheers man! It’s one of the new bassdrum machines, BD sharp. You can select different waveforms, including different saw waves. Works great with the filter and overdrive. These saw waves actually sound a lot fuller to me than the a4, especially in lower registers.

Here’s my 1st effort with a Analog only kit, nothing special, just a 4 bar loop jammed out using the mutes and a basic fill. I use the bass sound from the 1st preset pattern in the New Blood pack but the rest i did myself.

I am loving the new machines in a big way!

Haven’t been this excited to get out of bed on a Saturday morning since the X-men cartoon was on TV!

I cant get FX recorded trough the individual channels in my daw.

Let say i have a snare with some FX, i only recieve the dry channel on that channel, so no FX. When i record the main bus (all the channels) i have FX.

Tried everything with routing but cant get it working.

Guess i am doing something wrong? Can someone help me out?

You’re doing nothing wrong. It’s by design. FX on the main bus only.

Some beats only made with the new machines by myself :imp:

Yeah really digging the new machines. Only the middle row of pads need some more love. A basic sine machine or high pitched Toms maybe? They are sine based right?

ah ok, didnt know that! I can get ‘FX only’ on main bus so i have to work with that to record fx channel individual or combined :wink:
