1.30 Mega thread

If you select the option to calibrate your machine, a warning shows up: “Ensure 2 hours warmup time before calib. Run now?”. So, that’s it! Keep the machine running for some hours and them calibrate it.
BTW: I just did it to my Rytm. With the new BD Sharp machine in chromatic mode I could hear clearly that the oscillators were really out of tune (between different waves and tracking). Now they are perfect \o/

awesome thanks matheus!

For folks that are pinging the resonant filter with the impulse machine, try out the Noise machine for such tasks as well. It’s so versatile with its extra set of filters in the synth section.

Especially if you’re doing any filter FM, a bit of white noise in the voice gives the self oscillating filter even more depth and capability.

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^ cool, gotta explore some FM flutes… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What’s this filter FM people keep talking about? This is the first time I’ve updated my Rytm in awhile, skipped the last 2 updates or so before this one. Do you mean modulating the filter frequency with the LFO or is there something that’s been added?

Take the LFO into the audio rate, modulating filter frequency = filter FM.

Loving these new machines for Electro!
BD Silky, SD Natural, CP Classic, Noise (FM), Noise (resonant bleeps), CH Metallic :

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Been a long time since I’ve had time to sit down with the AR… 1.30 gave me the perfect excuse!

This is just me noodling around on a Sunday - using nothing more than BD Plastic, Impulse, and Noise (thanks AdamJay for that tip earlier today!) - Noise & Impulse are triggering filter FM. All recorded via Overbridge 1.10 (another brilliant update) into Ableton Live 9.6.




just one take no FX added.pure line into logic + OP-1

Something I did with new machines only.


God bless those cymbals.


Anybody else experience a variety of different oscillator tones for CB Metallic when mixing Detune in and out? Here’s an example of what i mean:
Not sure if it’s supposed to behave like this, but it’s one of my favourite new synthesis features. (p.s. as far as i can tell calibration went allright on my unit)

nothing wrong with that - nice chippy tune :slight_smile:

Having read every comment on here over the bank holiday, I’ve now had a chance to update… !!

It’s Absolutely amazing. Huge congratulations, and thank you, to everyone involved.

Found a few bugs here, and there and have been writing them down as I discover them. Will open support tickets, to do my bit to help iron any problems out.

I’m very grateful for the recent additions of Trig conditions/fill mode/new machines + OB - great work Elektron!

What I really like about the machines, is how well everything fits together without too much effort.

E.g. the snares and claps sound like they belong with the kicks.

Lovely! :slight_smile:

Hey man, what actually means “Noise & Impulse are triggering filter FM” ?

Trying to understand how the impulse machine works.

tested Filter FM impulses yesterday … awesome! Now definitly would be a good time for a 2nd lfo with 2 destinations … and a 2nd filter per track / voice incl. keyboard tracking for the filter … just like the a4 has.

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yep - the missing piece of the puzzle !

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Think of the resonant filter being a bit like a bell - it makes no sound unless the feedback is too high (then it becomes a pure sin oscillator) - set feedback 90-100 and it makes no sound
now if you ping a handbell with a stick you’ll excite it and hear all the lovely resonances/oscillations/harmonics - if you hit it with a soft mallet you’ll get a different response - same sorta goes for the filter, if you ping (or excite) it with a stick (an impulse) or a soft-slow excitation from say the noise machine then it’ll resonate/dampen and mix with the source in different ways - you just have to get the filter close to resonance to set it up -FMing the filter freq is just a nice way to change the timbre, if the FM takes the resonant freq too high (or the default nominal filter freq begins high) the filter resonance will die sooner, so lower freq resonant filters should ring longer, like a lower pitched bell
the impulse is just a very brief nominally DC spike - a bit like half of a single saw wave at a high frequency - a sample of an impulse will work EXACTLY the same as an impulse machine (though you can’t tinker with attack/decay obviously) - so my advice is to use a sample of an impulse AND the noise machine for maximum input sauce to the resonant FM’d filter :slight_smile:
the impulse is also a utility device for clocking devices which look for fast voltage spikes to drive sequences etc, e.g. monotribes, volcas, euro etc

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as the RYTM has become the top Elektro Acid machine on the planet now … another thing is missing:

We have a sample engine and we have a synth engine. Would be awesome to feed the sample into to the synth engine and use it like a vocoder … that would be awesome … just saying. But I guess that is another story for another thread :wink:

@insect this makes me think that 4 days ago I had the MD triggering my Volca FM (by mistake) without a MIDI machine, just the notes of the tracks being played.
Even if it was not exactly like the video bellow, the result was close.
And as they were both plugged in OT inputs, I could switch from one sound to the other…