1.30 Mega thread

Livid Instruments DS1[/quote]
Hey there…

Question… how do you connect the Livid to the AR??[/quote]
yes that would be obvious, I was wondering if he is using some sort of usb-to-midi after configuration of the livid on the computer…

I got a great deal on a first gen iConnectMidi USB-MIDI host earlier this year. They’re very handy devices if you want to be computer free, even just once in a while. I’m thinking about getting an Xkey 25 to use with it and my A4 (and Rytm too, can run MIDI into both as the iConnect has a pair of DIN outs.)

Also, just love this new Rytm OS.

Hi Simon,

cool. didnt know the filter is that close to origin pitch… but yes… if felt like when listening :slight_smile:

I didnt tried, but i will this weekend: You can also add a sample tone (like one cycle waveform from my modular)… Though you play the filter with the frequency, you can use the chromatic mode to play the sample…

At the end you can play a duophonic meldoy just within one track :-)))… though i love this classic IDM-melodies… i will give it a try (and see how it works with the tonal modulated filter)…

Simon: MY GIRLFRIEND HATES ELEKTRON, because she doesnt see me that often anymore :-)))))

Suggest that she gets a Rytm, problem solved.

:slight_smile: i make an A4 as present to her… then we have all of your three black beauties :slight_smile:

What a great update, probs best single update on any device ever (close second was ND2 becoming 6xchromaticmonosynths). Big thanks to the Team for that!

Anyone having trouble with Strom iOS?
When I try to randomise the app crashes.
Euclidean business is fine, the pattern generates and the Rytm responds but the kit/sound randomise kills the app altogether.

Anyone else having probs?
Oh yeah, I’m on latest iOS and obviously 130 Rytm, tried the obvious re-installs but same biz…

Cheeky @void for any advice also would be greatly appreciated…

Ed-it Have emailed Strom support now…

yea Strom update is on its way…
bumped into some tricky things, more to do with iOS / audiobus / ugly-codebase than with the Rytm communication.

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Nice one @void
Really great app you have there, even without the Rytm extension, love it.
Randomise really demonstrates the potential, absolutely mental. Amazing how modular the Rytm can sound with Strom at the controls!
Thanks, appreciate the reply and look forward to the update… Good luck man!

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just submitted the update to Apple - normally takes a few days to get through, fingers crossed.

there’s not a lot of new stuff in this version, I didn’t want to include half-finished things…

but you can now finally load samples directly to pads, and there’s a few new niceties in the pattern generator.

@void I did not expect any new stuff at all, I’d pay double for what it is already, really appreciate your efforts on Strom, truly useful.
Hopefully those Apple boys will give it the go ahead and I can look forward to randomising the new machines we have been gifted with - and with the aforementioned goodies you have implemented things can only get better!
Can’t wait, thanks so much fella!

I’m very excited to hear this, and I’m sure I’m not alone.


Elektron.se is down, so I can’t DL. Anyone got the files for (zip for win) to AR1.30, OB1.10 and latest A4?

PM if you can help :slight_smile:

thanks Adam will check that… I don´t use computer for perform so this could be a perfect tool for my thing…

most girls would prefer the Rytm to the A4, so if buying a present for a girlfriend, even if there is one Rytm in the house already … don’t think about logistics … think about pleasure. Tapping rhythms is incredibly pleasurable for most girls I have found, without wishing to over-generalise.

Edit: and for a live performance, Two Rytms mixed through the two stereo inputs of the Octatrack would be a very fine way to go. Makes for better variation options.

The kind of human interface is a huge, but often ignored part of what makes a good synth. Where controls go, how they’re labelled, what there response curve is like, how quickly they update the underlying parameter, etc. can really make or break a device.

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Following up on this…

I’d love to see Elektron add additional machines in the future that generate some basic waveforms and maybe even a few wavetables. This might be too processor-intensive, but even something really basic and somewhat digital sounding with some nice controls for shaping the basic sound of these oscillator machines would be a very nice alternative for loading in single-cycle waveforms.

Bonus points for a oscillator model that generates chords so that you can use a single track for paraphonic pad action!

That’s not a girl thing; it’s that the Rytm is simply more approachable, more direct, and more “playable”, especially for someone new to electronic music.
And yeah, it’s always a great idea to involve your partner. Making music together is a lot of fun and if anything, you both get a better idea of what both of you are into.

Think of the resonant filter being a bit like a bell - it makes no sound unless the feedback is too high (then it becomes a pure sin oscillator) - set feedback 90-100 and it makes no sound
now if you ping a handbell with a stick you’ll excite it and hear all the lovely resonances/oscillations/harmonics - if you hit it with a soft mallet you’ll get a different response - same sorta goes for the filter, if you ping (or excite) it with a stick (an impulse) or a soft-slow excitation from say the noise machine then it’ll resonate/dampen and mix with the source in different ways - you just have to get the filter close to resonance to set it up -FMing the filter freq is just a nice way to change the timbre, if the FM takes the resonant freq too high (or the default nominal filter freq begins high) the filter resonance will die sooner, so lower freq resonant filters should ring longer, like a lower pitched bell
the impulse is just a very brief nominally DC spike - a bit like half of a single saw wave at a high frequency - a sample of an impulse will work EXACTLY the same as an impulse machine (though you can’t tinker with attack/decay obviously) - so my advice is to use a sample of an impulse AND the noise machine for maximum input sauce to the resonant FM’d filter :slight_smile:
the impulse is also a utility device for clocking devices which look for fast voltage spikes to drive sequences etc, e.g. monotribes, volcas, euro etc[/quote]
thanks man ! :slight_smile:

Should be done processing soon. Hope you all enjoy it! :slight_smile: