1.30 Mega thread

sorry for repost this here guys, but haven´t had an answer yet from tech support and it is urgent for me to fix this…

having problems with sample playback after update to 1.30B

first they sound strange, or don´t sound at all

after a few bars the samples start to play

did an empty reset

reinstalled the OS again

left the machine play and waited 4 hours for calibraton,

calibration went ok

ran test mode… no errors reported

loaded couple of sample packs (divine909 among them)

made couple of simple patterns just for test

same problem:

1st the samples sound weird or not sound at all…

after a few bars sounds start to play…

sometimes I need to start stop the sequencer 2-3 time sin order to get them play properly… with the divine 909 I had to stop the sequencer up to 4 times to make the sounds play

already have done around 4-5 times calibration and test mode, no erros reported on both…

seems the problem is related to the samples only…

anyone having same issues with samples?

or it this an known bug on the works?

thanks for any useful info :slight_smile:

Its up now! By the way, does anyone have a sidechain tutorial they could share with me? I’m rather new to the concept and would like to learn more about it.

Hey mate, don’t worry it’s all normal : I read somewhere that the AR took time to load samples.
In the opposite of OT that wait the end of the loading to get available, AR is quickly available for playing but the samples load in the background.
So just wait a little bit and it should be all OK…

Hey mate, don’t worry it’s all normal : I read somewhere that the AR took time to load samples.
In the opposite of OT that wait the end of the loading to get available, AR is quickly available for playing but the samples load in the background.
So just wait a little bit and it should be all OK…[/quote]
Er, I don’t think your post is right at all, Lying Dalai. Any sample I’ve loaded to a track has always played immediately.

How long are the samples you’re loading, Audiofreak?

I really think I read something on this, mate.
I found this but I read it again.
Now I don’t use that much samples on AR, so I can’t say I’ve seen this already.
But users reported this quite a few times.

Ok I got an answer from Simon:

Elektron Support | May 24, 2016 10:50:03 AM

Hi, When a project is loaded, the samples associated with it needs time to be loaded into the RAM. The time it takes is affected by the size and numbers of samples that need to be loaded into RAM.

If you start playing a pattern directly after loading a Project that relies heavily on samples, it will not sound correct until all samples are loaded into RAM. The progress is indicated next to the Kit name in the left portion of the screen. When the barber pole animation goes away, the Project has been fully loaded.

Regards, Simon M

so that´s it

don´t remember having this before, probably because I let it wait some extra seconds meanwhile I was working stuff in the other machines?

anyway… glad to know that I don´t need to send it back… :slight_smile:

thanks for the answer Simon…


I’m very happy for all of you.

My power supply stopped working on the 24th of april, I sent it to the italian seller via the local retail shop and it still has to come back.

So still no updates for me… and I’m full of envy…

Now I will start crying silently

I have a quick question concerning 1.30:

Has the pitch tracking of the synths improved?

I remember tickets being made and threads created concerning the pitch tracking of the analog engines.

Do the synth engines track pitches accurately across, say, an octave? 2 octaves?


The new engines has improved tuning and tracking.
The old remains the same.


Excellent news. Have you found them to track well across an octave?

Yes, I think they track quite good (for a drum machine anyway), around 10ct off here and there at most.

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Such good news! That was one of my major gripes.

And thanks, Simon, you’ve made a huge difference to how elektron is visible to the user community.

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Hellooo, do i need to backup before upgrading to 1.30D throughOSX???

Backup what you fear loosing.
But don’t forget following @AdmaJay’s advice to create a brand new empty project that you don’t care being messed during the update, just in case.

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