1.30 Mega thread

These metallic hats, though.

My avatar is no longer a silent protest of cowbell machine and is now a salute to the lovely OSC cluster that is the Hat Metallic machine.

I am confused with this too [/quote]
Put it this way, calibrating before the update would be pointless !
1 or 3 ā€¦ definitely not 2

& half the disable ā€˜machineā€™ :wink:

see reply above - ultimate flexibility for sample kits & maybe reduced cpu

some devices look for drops, some for rises
my understanding is that this is limited to audio voltage levels
maybe itā€™s more than this, but anyone with a device that needs a hot impulse can soon say
devices like the Korg portables which do work at audio levels can be set for impulses of either nature afaik
I donā€™t think you need DC coupled outputs to push out a very brief impulse

Caution for ppl who want to use it in a gig, direct jump seems to be broken when jumping patterns with different lengths. It looses sync and stutters.

JohnnyEgo wrote
[i]ā€¦one thingā€¦ i donā€™t understand that disable synth feature because iā€™ve used the trig menu for disabling the trigs for synth!

difference? [/i]

If you create a nice sample sound and donā€™t want it to be locked to the synth voice type it was created on then make it with a disabled voice (& also the new impulse and noise) - these play anywhere, this is super flexible, it may also be advantageous processing wise, would be good to find out if that is the case

@avantronica ā€¦ah yeah got it ā€˜Trigs but no synthā€™ yeah right. would be cool to use the disabled Synth Slot with a SampleMachine feature!!! two samps for one Slot. 24 voice polyphony. cool Rytm-best choice

.editā€¦waitā€¦'i just donā€™t get it! you can disable the Synth voice by toggling it off via trig menuā€¦

Why should i disable it otherwise?

simply awsome update!!! Could hardly contain myself through calibration lol

Negative impulse should be able to trigger Korg MS10/20 etc. The Machinedrum version can, so I reckon the Rytm will too. Voltage will most likely be around 2v p-p with max gain I think.

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Thank you Elektron!!!

Hi, Iā€™m testing the new sounds with the Newblood soundpack, and it seems there is some bug switching patterns in normal mode (led off). When you are playing and try to switch from A08 to A07, it doesnā€™t switch, it continues playing indefinitely. Can someone confirm?

Yep - I think it may be a bug. Seems to be triggered if the global length is less than individual track length.
If I set the global length to 64/64 (length of some of the individual tracks), seems to be OK.

No bug. The Master lenght is Set to infinite. Just switch it to 64 or anything and itā€™ll work

previously if you created a BD sound with sample on a BD synth track, that sound can ONLY be loaded along the bottom row, even if you toggle the synth off -itā€™s inconvenient
Now, if you want to create a suite of sample based sounds, they can load up to ANY 12 Tracks whenever you need them
itā€™s an 8 voice machine btw
like I said, simple

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This machine just keeps getting betterā€¦

Between the new machines and samples / sample packs, the potential sound palette of this machine is massive!

Thanks, Elektron!

BD Classic with all those choices of transients is sooo nice. Very flexible kick machine. The AR is now an absolute kick drum beast. I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be using too many samples for it any longer.

Yep - I think it may be a bug. Seems to be triggered if the global length is less than individual track length.
If I set the global length to 64/64 (length of some of the individual tracks), seems to be OK.[/quote]
Right! As someone said, the master lenght is on infinite- it wasnā€™t a bug

Still quite confused by the impulse machine - granted Iā€™m a complete noob when it comes to CV and the like, but Iā€™m thinking itā€™d be cool to use the trigger to advance arpeggiator / sequencer on my Sub 37 or ping some of its other parameters, e.g. filter slope. Tbh, though Iā€™ve read the manual and I still have no clue whatsoever about how I could go about doing this.

I guess a lot of people shut their mouth and go back to work now
Nice company well done Elektron

PS: you kill me THANKS a lot
Dataline, Simon and elektron team wins now i see the 12 birds !

Using the impulse machine to ping the resonant filter, and then modulate that with filter FMā€¦ brilliant.

I, for one, welcome our new beatbox overlord.