1010music Blackbox

Check midi settings in OT.
Check if your cables are set up correctly. (out -> in) etc.

I didn’t encounter any issues when syncing the two via MIDI.

I’m the same but all white keys, A minor.


Yeah double checked the OT as I assumed that was going to be the culprit as usual!
But nothing. Very strange.

Actually, having just seen the MPC One - I think that this is machine I need. Bigger form factor, but reckon it beats the BB and also the DT for all rounded functionality

Is the Midi cable all the way in, on the BB? Sometimes it gets stuck 1 mm out, when plugging in casually.
Anyway it works, I use the OT to automate parameters on the BB and send in LFOs.

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Dunno, it seems it wants to do too many things, it’s a tad too big and it doesn’t have an internal battery like the Live has. It seemed nice at first sight, but the more I think about it, the more the BB makes the most sense as a companion for my OP-Z :smiley:

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Silly question but are you using the supplied 1/8” to 5 pin dongle? I tried once using an op-z 1-8” to midi but it didn’t work.

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OK cool, I’ll have a look when I go back to it. The usb cable is really tight, so maybe it’s this!


Yes, the nifty little white one.

@MichalHo has suggested it may not be fully inserted, which I shall double check. Had to grab some food as the brain wasn’t firing fully!

I love that in this insane NAMM feed this thread keeps popping up at the top.

Now someone please make a quick video of how I save tracks, sequences and sounds.
And how to load sounds into a kit ect.

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Is this due to the way it time stretches or something else?

Btw Thanks for that ultra detailed response!

It was the cable not being fully in :blush:

Anyway I have transport, so all I need to do is sort the clock! Cheers

This thread is hot :fire:
Please someone make a video of new slices from 1.4

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At least it really does stay in, once it’s in. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I believe this is just the max number of beats you can set in the interface.

Hahaha yeah it does make a change for the complaint to be that its too good!

(btw that means more than 4 minutes at 120 bpm)

BB’s time-stretching is based on the sample’s length.
The ‘Beat Count’ for a given sample goes up to 512, above that you will need to use ‘Auto Beat Count’, which requires a beat value of n^2 to produce even meters. (of course you could just feed it any value, but typically not in a DJ context…)

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Fair enough, sounds like good reasoning. I’ve got an ARmk2, A4 mk2 and DN, so it was either an OT (again - as got rid of my Mk1 years ago) or a BB, but the MPC One seems like the best companion for me. If I don’t like it, I’ll sell and try the BB. Cheers

Has anyone tried single cycle waveforms with the BB? With the right samples you should be able to get a wide array of sounds. You have control over loop points and ASDR right?