1010music Bluebox

Trying to figure out how to use the Bluebox FX, any pointers ?
(Teenage Engineering OP-Z, MakeNoise 0-Coast)

Same here @mrisney
Played with the reverb quit a bit. It has tons of control but a narrow sweet spot. Still need to figure out good settings. Hopefully, 1010music adds preset storage for fx. I believe the s will add more fx tailored towards mastering and mixing in the future.

So far I use Out2 with an external fx pedal which is quite nice.

I couldn’t find it listed anywhere – what’s the largest microSD card it accepts? 256GB? 1TB?

If no one knows, what’s the size of the card you’re using with it?


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I use 128Gbyte A1 and works without an issue - though I haven’t used it for recording of more then two channels yet…

I read somewhere that 1TByte should also work (think it was for Blackbox though).
It is remommended to use an A1 rated card at least (A2 is the next higher rating).

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For those that own the Bluebox, how are you finding the delay and reverb sends? Are they decent quality for just bread and butter delay and reverb?

They’re upgraded from the blackbox. More controls. I like them. I’d say they’re of decent quality. Of course your expectations may vary.

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Just got mine,

the reverb is ok, have not played around with the delay to much, but I like the little critter!


how’s the send & return with external effects wet mix headroom wise is there a limitation?

I’m using Out2 to send to an H9, then coming back in on the last inputs. I’m losing a pair of inputs that way, but it works very well, and plenty of headroom. I haven’t felt that it’s limiting in any way (other than using the input channels). I’ve been able to get plenty of gain for the wet signal. Probably even into the “too much” range if pushed :smiley:

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thanks for answering my question. that completely seals the deal. Im gonna get the blue box I have eventides time factor and space plus a poly effects Beebo it would really nice on my setup

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Kind of a tangent, but the thing that the BB has done for me is this. I have VERY limited time to make music these days. I do it for fun, but I need to be able to sit down, swish my ideas around a bit, refine it a bit, then hit record. I need to be able to squeeze a live-jam type track out in a couple of hours. The BB fills that role perfectly for me. It’s just so easy to sync everything up, record stems, dump them into Reaper, give them a light OZoning, and be on my way. :smiley: There are days when I can spend some real time designing sounds, recording music, tweaking it, remixing it, etc. but they are fairly far between. The BB has opened up this live recording possibility to me like nothing else has that I’ve used before. (and it does it very well)


Oh man. This is exactly why I think I need it.


So I took the plunge and got one of these and it seems great, but the synced record start on MIDI clock in seems to be broken as of a fairly recent firmware update.
Hope this is high on the priority list for a fix as this is fairly crucial for me and I would have thought a lot of people using the Bluebox for electronic music.

What’s everyone else doing? Using Bluebox as master clock? Trying to hit record button on the beat? Would much rather use the cirklon as the master if possible.

Yea…I NEED one of these lol.

Think I read somewhere about this and that it is not implemented. Though, my understand is that it records the midi beat in parallel when hitting record.
Me also doing electronic music, but never felt I need my recordings with midi. What is your use-case.

Quick update on reverb fx. Played around with reverb yesterday and got a much better impression then the previous times. Definitely usable although you need to find sweet spot.

Waiting for mine to arrive. It got stuck in Memphis during the storm…

Quick question about the effects. Say you add reverb to a track, then you record, does it record:

  1. track with reverb printed in
  2. track clean with reverb on a different file
  3. track clean and track with reverb printed in in separate files

Are the reverb and delay airways sends out can you choose them as inserts?

If they are send only, if you record different tracks different effects, do they all get recorded to the same effects track? I like having control over the mixing of the effects.

If you have the option to have reverb and delay as inserts, can you change the order of the effects? Say I want the EQ after.

What about sends, can you EQ the send effects?


Not sure if my answer is fully correct, but neither of your options is correct. The fx are not recorded per track. You can playback your recordings and change fx and eq at playback.
Though you can record master with fx and solo individual tracks.

Reverb and delays are send returns with each channel having its own fx wetness control. So, you also can’t chance the order. Eq is per track and Compressor is only on master.



Hello all, diving into the convo here. Just got one of these today.

Anyone routing the Bluebox into a PA? Are you using a DI? Looking forward to outdoor gigs this summer :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

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Great question! I’ve got my own PA and the Bluebox could be a great travel swiss army knife for a PA system.