1010music nanobox lemondrop : new granular synth

I use the Normalise function on the MPC all the time so most of my samples are going to be like this. As far as I’m aware, there is no “normalise but not quite fully, make it a little less” function, but I’ll look into it.

You could try normalizing and then lower the gain by -1db and export again.

:man_shrugging: guess we’ll have to see if I can bothered with the extra faff

Does sampling into the line in fix it? Thats all I do is use the record in. No issues for me. I understand it would be optimal to drag and drop a bunch of sounds in at once but I am personally overloaded already with the Stock sounds plus the Fireball waves and then the sounds that I record in.

Yes, rerecording it in fixes it, but I have a lot of samples I’ve recorded and normalised in the past, talk about a pain to have to resample them.

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I’m sure there’s a batch converter that will offer the option to add a small gain reduction

There’s gotta be an update soon, I love the thing, but there’s still some bugs that I hope are addressed soon.


Yeah that’s my concern with 1010. Small operation and spread kind of thin with all these boxes that need some updates. I think they will probably put the most work into what sells best so I think we are in good shape with the lemon drop luckily.


I agree, their support overall is pretty fantastic, but it does seem like updates to the Lemondrop are a bit behind, but I trust them.

They recently put out a new Bluebox beta, I haven’t tested it yet, but I’m sure they’re hard at work on their “legacy” products as well.

Regardless, the Lemondrop is just an unreal box!

This is why I’m not going to jump the gun and mess with my archive of samples. This needs a fix, not a workaround.

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This is a long exploration video of the Lemondrop with some bass sounds. I also tried to understand the matrix of the MS20 mini and failed. :pensive: :grin: You might want to skip that part.
I really like this little box. But i hope they’ll give us a new update soon. Wavefiles still play backwards and not entirely sometimes.


If someone can help me understand an octatrack / lemon drop pairing- I see it has a midi in and a clock in- how would I sync this to the octatrack? octa midi out > midi to 1/8th inch converter > clock in? I guess I can only choose one, midi or clock not both, and it wouldn’t pick up the clock from just a midi connection? any clarification would be helpful, thanks :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum!

You could send MIDI clock messages from the OT to the lemondrop’s MIDI In port to synchronize the latter’s LFOs, modulation sequencer, and effects.

The lemondrop’s Clock In port is for clock pulses from analogue gear.

This clearly highlights my newb ineptitude, I haven’t had to work with any analogue clock signal or gear so I didn’t even consider that… Thanks!

Haven’t read the whole thread, but is it possible to rename your own recorded samples?.. can’t find this info in the manual.

Not on the unit. Gotta pop the card out and rename it on your computer.

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If I’m remembering correctly, you’re limited to 30 seconds on the Lemondrop, importing a file over 30s has given me some weird behaviour, especially at the start/end of the sample as the “grains” accumulate there.

I’ve brought this up on the 1010 forums, they seem to know about it but I don’t have any idea what will change. Now I just make sure the samples I import are 30s or less … not ideal.

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My samples are all shorter than 30 seconds. The only thing that helped me was recording into it directly.

How did you make that beautiful of at the end?

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The sound? I sampled the last note of a symphony where the orchestra plays one long note and the instruments drop out at different times. Playing chords with it let arise this rich pad.