1010music Nanobox Razzmatazz

Here’s a new no talking jam, showing the Razz is capable of dialing in bass tones!


That was pretty awesome.
Would be cool if pitch automation per step would be added and start en stop points on samples. This would open the razzmatazz up for melodic stuff.

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I searched on youtube for nanobox razzmatazz, but your clips did not show. Maybe if you also add nanobox in your title, your clips would bubble up in the youtube algorithm.

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Have you guys seen this video?



Yes, showcases the ‘groovebox’ in the razzmatazz real good :slight_smile:

I think I’m returning mine. I played wi the sugar bytes drum computer on my iPad and I’m struggling to think of one advantage the 1010 has over it besides easier to sync?

It sounds incredible but it’s too much for this small size.

I don’t know how to sync my iPad with other hardware.

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Any midi interface. I use a usb to midi cable like this all the time…

It’s 12$. You will if course need some appropriate dongle.

I bought sugarbytes a year ago on my ipad, but did not pay much attention to it.
I was GASsing hard for the razzmatazz until I saw your post. I decided to give drumcomputer a try.
Man I felt hard for hit, I absolutely love it.
Thanks to you, I have re-discovered drumcomputer. Thank you

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Aw man awesome!! Love when something like this happens.

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Oh rad! Had no idea it was this easy!!

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I had one lying around and it worked great!

I used patterning on my iPhone to sequence my Nord drum 2/3p. Amazing!

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I’m keeping mine. I haven’t been so productive with a piece of gear in a while, partly because I can carry it around so easily.

And I was never a fan of the iPad. Just having to start it annoys me :sweat_smile:. And you need to update it all the time, and I get distracted with the other apps, and the touch pad, etc. But admittedly, I’m a caveman.

Sugarbytes stuff is really awesome (boy I used and abused FXtricks for so long a while back). And of course, an iPad or a computer will always be more powerful than external gear.

But strangely enough, with the Razzmatazz, I find they have struck a good balance with the limited feature set. It lacks a bunch of things, but on the other hand too many features get me distracted. I’m quite surprised to accommodate so well with the really basic sequencer. The focus with the RZ is, I think, sound design, and that’s what I like to do best, so I’m happy.


15 minutes with Shhhhhhchteeeemmeeengh


Well, not his best…

He admits he doesn’t know it well enough, but them why talk about it?

Why not talk about it?

Does one need to be a certified expert, knowing every single answer to every single question in order to do a demo or give their initial thoughts?

If that were the case, we would have zero videos or reviews because no one knows everything about the device.

That type of bar would limit discussion and I for one do not like discussion to be limited in any way. Like anything in life, one can choose to watch it or not, to agree or not, or to do their own.

I thank Stimming for taking the time to make the video and sharing his opinions which are 100% valid.


Yeah… maybe he could have spent a bit more time with the machine before making the video. Just saying.

I’m not sure the viewers will learn a lot from this - except that it’s a complex machine.

He does say he likes it, though.

And the Razzmatazz is a deep machine - in spite of its toyish looks - so covering it in 20 minutes is quite a challenge.


His “beats” didn’t sound like i would want to buy it. Seemed a little rushed. And why the timer? I would love it if he would just take his time with the video and talk until he talked about all the things he wanted.
But hey, in the end he’s one of the most entertaining dudes who do these product reviews. A bit cringy but definitely lovable and human. And even though i don’t like most of his music he’s a real musician who really uses most of the devices he talks about.

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It makes me feel better that @stimming even encountered a learning curve with this box. He has a magic ability get his sound out of anything rather quickly too.

Like I posted when I got mine - this thing is deeeeep.


Mostly done with the Razzmatazz, with a touch of MonoMachine for melodic elements


congrats on the video, the sound is amazing, can you please let me know what kind of battery is that and if I can get it on Amazon? Also, can you recommend a stand (hopefully easy to carry on backpack) for the nano boxes? All 3 of them will be sweet to have a stand, I saw on one of the videos on YouTube but can’t lost it.

PS: Ive found the video with the stand:


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