I like to dabble in slow, evolving ambient chord lines using my Novation Peak, that I play in live. I had never found the Elektron’s of great use for sequencing this type of music with their step limits, so I had been sequencing in the box. That all changed this morning.
I figured, why not copy my pattern to 3 or 4 patterns, with the same MIDI config, why not chain those together, why not hit live record and see if it will chain while recording. And viola, basically more steps than I could ever need - I am recording whole evolving sequences in, now with the power of the Elektron sequencer, and P-locks.
While I am sure this was common knowledge for some, this was a huge discovery for me, I much prefer working outside of the box, but did not want to add another hardware sequencer if I didn’t have to. 'Tis a happy morning, back to work I go now.
Yea just tried it to make sure, even though it is switching patterns, the note started in the previous pattern continues to be held based on it’s length param. Really amazing - I am surprised it took me this long to figure this out.
So i can make live filter sweeps on double speed to increase resolution and record it onto a loop of 16 patterns! Ive immediately cut my day job and driving home asap!
I have done many times on the forum (a few years back) when people want longer patterns or patterns with equal amount of steps per page less than 16 (eg 4 12 step patterns chained is easier and more logical than 1 pattern of 48 steps when you want 12 steps per bar) I thought it was common knowledge by now though, although such things are not easily found by search and not always obvious, admittedly.
It will cycle through a pattern chain - at the end of the chain it returns to the start. For example, A01 > A02 > A01 > A04, will go through the four, and restart at A01. Is that what you meant?