I clicked on 35min of each of the 2016 sets…same track. :confused: I guess there will be subtle differences, but…

2018 is awesome.

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Yup. Just like the other series of gigs. Fine by me cause I saw them on this '16 leg.

Some for the heads.

I saw both years too…great shows

I just nabbed mines, was hoping the Granada Studios in Manc would be there so I could re-live it but more than happy with what’s there. I’ll be heading out soon for my Govt approved stroll and I’ve queued up the Oslo set for a first listen…

Yeah, great track… think I first heard it on some compilation cd of 'warp’y stuff I got… the bassline/pad thing you mentioned always made me think of when I was a wee guy charging about the playground in primary school using my parka jacket as a set of wings so I could be an eagle.


Love that description :yellow_heart:

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Me and my mate spent most of that set wondering if the guy in front of us was facing us or had his back to us.
It was a top 5 gig for me. Unforgettable night.


35th minute is always the same music in any ae live… it’s a well known fact!

HAHAHAHA :+1:t6:

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Yeah, it was fantastic. I go back and forth between that and the Glasgow Art School 05 gig as my favourite. I prefered the sound of the 05, but for the Manc one me and my mate had travelled down from Scotchland and so had a good day and just enough beer to forget we’re middle aged but not that so much that the gig was pitch black blur.

Anyway, listened to a couple of the sets now… Oslo and Dublin and the early feeling is that these are a bit more approachable than the 2015 live sets so feel a bit more varied because it’s easier to get your teeth into. I’m probably going to stick with listening to these two for a bit before I move onto the other two that I got.


OH BOY! New album soon…

October 16

  1. M4 Lema
  2. F7
  3. si00
  4. esc desc
  5. au14
  6. Metaz form8
  7. sch.mefd2
  8. gr4
  9. th red a
  10. psin AM
  11. r cazt

…and merch



You’ve just made my day!!!

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…and mine :slight_smile:

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There’s a player on the Warp site, but it doesn’t seem to work on my phone. Have you been able to preview any of the tracks yet?

They probably don’t have it loaded up yet.

The vinyl is actually at a good price. Been a WHILE since they’ve had vinyl under $100 :slight_smile:

The t-shirt is more than the vinyl heh!


Also just read the Pitchfork article about it. It seems to be the first ‘standard’ album they’ve released since 2013’s Exai. Clocking in at just over an hour. Roll on October 16th already!


Hoping it’s a revisit to old vibes. Been playing Incunabula, Amber, Tri Repetae and Anvil Vapre…:crossed_fingers:t6:

That shit was so tite


I doubt they’ll go THAT far back! But something melodic, beautiful and atmospheric like they did on Oversteps would do very nicely indeed!


No one:

Warp: “Please. We’re begging you. One disc.”


Need to get my album finished before this comes out or else I’ll listen to it once, then get all depressed that I’ll never be that good and delete all my tracks.


I hear you…I can’t make a good tune cuz of them HAHAHAH :rofl: