my opinion is after the mid 90’s they focused too much on sound, neglected the music.


Oh noooo. There’s PLENTY of music in that stuff. It’s just different and inter-dispersed.
So many tracks…examples Pro Radii, Gantz Graf, Bladelores…off the top of my head.


Not saying they’d go back so far. But reintroduce some of that vibe.

I just think, despite them saying that stuff was primitive and embarrassing, you get old and reminisce on days of old…and that shit comes back :slight_smile:

Whatever it’ll be…looking forward to it :+1:t6:

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October is going to be a good month for music. Autechre then Actress …


i’m hoping to see vibert, amon tobin, actress in november

@phaelam - i’ll give those tracks a listen

didn’t really digest all nts sessions yet. only hoping for shorter tracks in future🙈

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Same. It gives us something to do until 16 October tho :slight_smile: And this new one is going to be shorter tracks, and hopefully more concentrated and less sprawling as a result.

It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
So many great bits in NTS.
Although the tone is not dissimilar to Elseq, I reckon it’s much better.
Definitely up for something shorter and more focused too though.
Pretty sure whatever Signs is there will be more evolution :exploding_head:
Can’t wait :grinning:

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I enjoyed elseq much more to be honest.
But there are great bits on both. But I‘m not a fan of these crazy extended track lengths.

meh, an album, how old-fashioned.
just kidding. best news of the day. don’t want them to go back though. just keep pushing, boys.


Fantastic! Pretty excited for this… will be interesting to what they do within a more condensed approach again. It’s always fun discovering how they evolve each time. I guess this also means that it’s time for the “traditional revisit of the previous album for the first time in ages to be blown away again whilst realising that you never got it the first time round”.


This! I find the later the album in terms of their career, the more depth there is and the more relistens it requires to fully appreciate :slight_smile:

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Looking forward to this one, and even pre-ordered it on vinyl which I never do, but it’s so damn hard to find them on vinyl for any reasonable price that I figured I had to jump on it. Curious to hear what direction they’ll go.

Apparently they “rebuilt their system”, whatever that means. I mean it will always sound like them, no matter what they use, but I imagine there will be some shift stylistically.

it’s also funny how after 5 years their previous work starts to sound like pop music

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I’ve always thought this (or at least used to , because they’re almost too weird to copy anymore). But yes, well ahead of the game always!

They’ve said for previous albums that most of their hardware is boxed up and it’s been an ever growing Max patch - presumably of epic proportions. Maybe they’ve redesigned that?

That’s sort of what I mean about revisiting their last album just before the next comes out. I always enjoy their stuff when I first hear it. But then if I leave it, then go back a year or two it’s almost like my brain has been processing it in the background ever since and I get a whole new appreciation for that previous album.


Ya they’ve used that patch a LOT. I hear repetition in a BUNCH of tracks. Same sequences tweeked, layered, or with a change of speed.

i’m one of those people stuck in ‘ye olde autechre’
i liked that 90’s tape thing they found and posted from 90 era stuff.
full of 808, juno presets , r8 , 202 , 101 , samplers , nord gear…melodies , beats …

i can still recognise autechre but its usually because (in my opinion) some of it sounds like a spectrum game loading from cassette.

i like the designers republic art and do appreciate theyre good at what they do/pioneers in that sound and have been far more successful than i’ll ever be doing music.
trying not to go off topic but i listened to old telefon telaviv recently and that still holds up … such good production also and mostly done before ableton/plugins like stutter edit… lots of hand crafted editing.


Makes you wonder if they’ve acquired some newer elektron gear for sign

I dunno man. Sounded like in one of their interviews they outgrew the boxes.