I thought those were pretty big guns for an outro!

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Well, well, well, that ended unexpectedly. Very much enjoyed tho. I’ll be buying this on the 16th for sure!


I hope they play it again.

gonna have to listen when im in a diff frame of mind. I liked it…but it wasn’t hittin.

im sure in the right frame of mind it will sound better. but right now…It wasn’t werkin’

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They’re all in extra time

I just refreshed the page. Stream gone. No option to get MP3s or whatnot. We have to wait

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overall , a bit more ambient and less ‘glitchy random noise rubbish’ than recent albums
even had some nice melodies and minimal normal beats.
not treading new ground , but thats fine with me …

i might buy it (havent bought any ‘recent’ releases).


welp my assessment is… “nice” but not mindblowing. definitely like it better then recent few albums. some very pretty moments, not a lot of energy to it though. would skip tracks 5 and 9 i think was the other one. everything else pretty enjoyable. Very reminiscent of Oversteps/Quaristice era with hints of their newfound Exai/NTS textures


My overall impression is that it’s never wise to make snap judgements about AE… that said, I always like that they’re constantly moving forward and this feels like it does again. Sure, there were familiar ideas revisited but from all over their catalogue. But there also seemed to some new ideas too and so I think the overall manages to get something that stands apart from other stuff in their catalogue. Time will tell if it has the depth of other stuff but I’ll definitely look forward to digging into to find out.


Looks like you can download them now if you preordered.


Quick!!! To the bat-preorder!!


do you have to preorder a physical copy or does it work if you just buy the mp3s ?

the thing is that with ae i usually get this ‘whoah, what the hell is this’ feeling. and then it opens up in many different ways. with this album it was more like ‘hmmm, ok then’.


I ordered the vinyl (which I never do) from the Ae Warp site. Signed in and saw I had something available for download, that’s kind of all I know. Note sure what would happen if you ordered the digital now.

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ahh gotcha. i think i’ll just wait for it to be on spotify, no point wasting $10 on mp3’s if there’s no guarantee i’ll be able to listen to it immediately anyway

I only ordered the .wavs and I’ve just downloaded the album


yep…you can.

DL in proc. :+1:t6:


To be fair to the band there is a lot of expectation and hype and I haven’t heard an album in a long time from anyone where I’ve thought this is amazing. However this was pretty bland from start to finish apart from 2 tracks.

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It’s very subdued for them. That said, there were a few moments where I was blown away. Also that said, I’m a huge Ae fan…


Hoorah! I got my timezones mixed up and missed the stream.