I loved it! But then again, I’m a feather - easily blown away.

And I prefer it that way too. :stuck_out_tongue:

Easily inspired, that is. :wink:


sometimes I just miss THIS Autechre:


I’ve relistened to it. It’s the same deal as with all their records. Repeat listening is highly rewarding. Expectations are always high whenever we first experience something new, but once you kind of know what’s coming up, you can relax and let your brain focus on the details you missed the first time around. I still get this listening to old Autechre records, which is why Ae are my favourite artists of all time. Plus, you’ve got to respect anyone who is able to do whatever the fuck they want regardless of record company/industry wants and mores.


Ooff…I just can’t tolerate Oversteps and Move of Ten. Those stringy tinny sounds don’t jive with my ears.



I’m looking forward to listen again! Not a big fan of Oversteps (or their stuff before Confield) and have to admit, that the only track really blowing me away where the first one, which were mindblowing.

That said, the album is definitely not bad, just a bit unexpected. I like how some of the murkyness of the Elseq/NTS-stuff (which I love, btw) are gone, and think this might be some of the best sounding stuff they’ve done. I mean, they always sound amazing, but this was next level!

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ya…its good.

me…I gotta giver some spins. get in the right head to hear it.

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Also, as it was usual before the era of long lives edit stuff, we should expect the release of a second album in one or two month!

they did say there were two coming a few months back during their Mixlr broadcast


When I heard the last plaid album, Polymer (who I think of as autechre’s more accessible cousins) I thought it was great straight away, not so with Sign, maybe it will grow on me

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Yes! A second album of bangers as supplement soon - like Move of Ten to Oversteps - would definitely be a wonderful thing!

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Thanks for sharing these delicious details :yellow_heart:

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track3 from 1993 Birmingham set.
It’s very nice

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interesting so many people approach an autechre record expecting to be “blown away”.

like with all music often it requires the right context and emotional attachment for many variables to come together to provoke a mind blowing personal moment.

listening to a live stream objectively in front of a computer isn’t the most stimulating environment.

i can’t wait to get Sign on headphones and take it into the forest. :slight_smile:


I was in bed, it was 7am :stuck_out_tongue:

This album was exactly what I wanted. Metaz form8 is standing out as one of the best things they’ve made imo.

Kinda regretting not getting the vinyl, even though I haven’t bought anything on vinyl in a few years. That said, it’s the kind of record that would be best enjoyed 20 years from now, found at the back of a rack in a dusty second hand record store, if those will even exist in 2040 :frowning:


Definitely the best track on there

we don’t need to hear how stimulated you were… :wink:

last night some of the tracks really resonated with me emotionally on first listen, some didn’t, but my Ae track record would insinuate that’ll all change after repeated listens.

didn’t connect with this one initially, became one of my go tos over time, mostly due to that resolution in the final minute.
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That set is awesome. One of my faves


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So I’m 2.5 listens in and I like it a lot.
It’s not at all what I was expecting, but that’s why I like Ae, they always manage to surprise me.
Standout tracks for me are metaz form8 and r cazt, the latter is easily amongst the best things I’ve heard this year.
There’s a real warmth running through the production, hard to put my finger on it, but the basses feel more present and have a more “analogue” sound, even when they are clearly still FM-based a lot of the time.
Listening to new Ae albums as a musician is often a complex experience, as it often leaves me asking what the point in trying is if this is the standard. Not so with this record, I’m totally inspired by it. Not because it’s simpler or less complex, there’s just something very accessible about it, which I never thought I’d be saying about an Autechre record.
Can’t wait for the kids to go to bed so I can get the Digitone out.


Listened to it a few times now.
Really enjoying it.
gr4 still great.
Metaz form8 too.
The way r cast finishes though is really bugging me.
Such a quick fade out. I keep thinking my music player has packed in and stopped.

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psin AM is hittin like a spiked bat.

that first chord, tho…makes me instantly think Everything You Do is a Balloon