Seems they programmed a record maker AI.
One record a week.
Me = :cow2: :money_with_wings:

Them smart.


As someone who is (somehow) just now exploring the vast sea of Autechre, I am excited to see even more new stuff. I liked Sign, after that, I started at the beginning, trying to work my way forward. Thereā€™s a lot of ground to cover, but so far, itā€™s great.


Donā€™t go through them too quickly. Give each release a week or so to settle. Especially anything post Tri Repetae. Things get more and more complex from there onwards imo.


I am simultaneously jealous and grateful that I am not in your shoes.


Thanks Craig. Good advice. The rest of this week will be for Plus, since itā€™s brand new :slight_smile:

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Youā€™re in for such a treat. Iā€™ve sometimes spent months listening to just one of their EPs/albums continuously to the detriment of nearly all other music. Envane is still the best thing theyā€™ve ever done imo. I canā€™t wait for you to get to that period. Amazing stuff! :yellow_heart:


They actually announced ahead of time :wink:

I had seen SIGN announcement, not PLUS.
Damn, I love this new record so much, PLUS is way more immediate than SIGN, in my brain at least.
Beautiful one!

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Interview, they said they were going to release two albums this year.

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also on Apple Music

Anyway, they made me think about how I would program an AI that makes records.
Could be pretty fun actually.
Got to think of this a bit deeper.

so is ā€œplusā€ a reference to it being extra material on top of the expected ā€œsignā€ release? or should we read into the ā€œplus signā€ reference furtherā€¦? :thinking:

Same, I never understood the appeal, I listen to alot of electronic, Autechreā€™s sound never really clicked with me. Iā€™m still trying, I really enjoyed sign. Iā€™m giving the discography another chance.

They said SIGN was a acronym but they wouldnā€™t reveal what it meant. Same thing for PLUS, I assume. Answers on the back of a postcard.

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Somebody get Gary Busey on this!

The time I listened to the first track of Confield was the moment I fell in love with their sound.


yeahā€¦ i remember hearing an alternate version on the confield promo warp website in my college student IT lounge, high on headphones, seminal moment

Marble rattling around a pipe
Nice synth plink noise.


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Ahh man, Plus is great!


Wow was not expecting this. Iā€™m about halfway through the album now and so far I like this better than Sign. The sound across the entire album (so far) is MUCH more consistent, it actually sounds like a cohesive album. Sign sounded like a bunch of different tracks they threw together. Donā€™t get me wrong, there were some beautiful tracks on there, but overall it didnā€™t really make me want to come back and listen to it. Plus, on the other hand to me sounds way more interestingā€¦ cool beats and textures but without getting too frantic, and still has a mellow/chill vibe to it.

Iā€™m thinking sticking both albums on a playlist, pruning a few duds, then just listening on shuffle will be good enough to satisfy my Autechre needs for the foreseeable future. Overall very happy with these two albums way more than the Exai/elseq/NTS stuff!