You gotta use the share link. Or, look at how the ones the werk are formatted. You can make the same changes to your link and it’ll werk.

Yea I wasn’t sure how to look at the others.
editing doesn’t seem to work. Gonna just try again cause its worth it:


So, there are more tracks with ‘vocals’ . I follow Ae since ‘96 and I thought I’ve heard everything but still I discover gems. Such an awesome list guys. I see most of them are remixes not their tracks anyway very interesting.
I listened to the tracks and I think in the core Ae remain hip hop. I remember a 90’s interview they say that play mutated hip hop, thing that you can listen more clearly as Gescom


That one is so special. I couldn’t believe it when I first heard it. There’s so much going on and it’s a real journey.

I keep coming back to these lately (sorry if reposted, I didn’t see them)


The lamb track has made me cry - there I said it

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So…RE: LAMB/Autechre track…

m on the verge of fucking tears myself. love the beat. wanted to see what it looked like. its off kilter vibe is amazing…I I tried to program it into the MD…cant do it. tried plotting it out in a piano roll in Logic…CANT DO IT. WTF is wrong with me. why cant I translate what im hearing. this will explain why all the shit I do sounds like…SHIT. im on the grid, and its super dull. this Gold beat is liquidy, so freakin good. how does one even do this if A: they are stupid like I am. B: cant lay it out in one of the boxes.

please explain what im doing wrong…cuz im on the verge of abandoning fucking music. this illustrates I have no fucking clue.

this is solidifying the fact that I am a much better listener than creator

I mean its not all that nutty of a beat…I just cant get the vibe AT ALL :frowning:


OK, you wanna cry? Now cry!

Personally not so fan of the last albums but maybe they’ll grow on me, like some other did in the past.
This track is an exception.

First of all, you’re comparing yourself to people who have done this full time for years, decades even. (Edit: ok I see they released this track in 1996, but still…)

Secondly, it’s notoriously hard to recreate a “feel”, even for professionals. If you’re trying to recreate a sample it can be downright impossible.

My advice: Be kinder on yourself. What you repeat to yourself over and over slowly becomes the truth. Life is a marathon not a sprint. Don’t give up, keep at it and eventually you’ll get to a place you’ll enjoy. :slight_smile:


“First of all, you’re comparing yourself to people who have done this full time for years, decades even. (Edit: ok I see they released this track in 1996, but still…)”

This. And they are some of the best at it. I like their music a lot, but even after years I still have that feeling that I don’t really get eveything they are doing (which is why I like it, I find music where I understand everything quite boring tbh). It’s like playing the piano and comparing yourself to Glenn Gould or something, then thinking you are unable to play because you are not that good :wink:

Keep your head up and do what you like.

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Try making phaelam music not ae music; all they have been doing is being ae

…and btw, imo everyone is better listener than creator, even ae


if I try to come close to ae standards when making music I would cry all day and night


I thought some of you might be interested in https://www.barbican.org.uk/whats-on/2022/event/autechre


Hope they play somewhere other than London. I hate London gigs.

Barbican could be good tho. Saw Actress with the LCO there a few years back, is a nice venue

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Lovely venue, just not a fan of the sorts of crowds you tend to get in London.
I imagine they’ll be doubly annoying at an Autechre gig, standing around chatting about their moustaches and fixie bikes.


the barbican is (or was last time i went) fully seated - no standing around chatting. not that that’s any better…

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Yes I was at the same gig. I like the Barbican too and architecture seems to fit cold electronics :smiley:

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oo yeh good point

wonder if this is signalling a new release or more to do with the two that they released last year?

Well all their live stuff is always completely separate from their records anyway, so it’ll be all new material I imagine. Also, they have a bit of a habit recently of bootlegging the shit out of themselves live.

yeh true altho every time ive seen them its always been parallel to a new release, so (broadly speaking at least) supporting a new album even if they arent actually playing anything from it.