Sounds brilliant. I’ve never seen them live.


You’ll never do: they play in the dark :clown_face:


A very beautiful experience, on the edge of the religious I would say.
Normally no guys who spend the concert filming on the phone.

It’s a question of funds, otherwise I would buy a fixie and cross the English Channel to participate.


I’ve been to a gong bath here at the psychedelic society. Pretty cool experience. Saw John Hopkins mention it in an interview (I think he’s been to one too many, he’s completely changed direction in his music).

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I do not understand neither “gong bath” nor “psychedelic society” but it looks very good. :slightly_smiling_face:

You lie on your back for an hour surrounded by a bunch of people playing a range of gongs and singing bowls. Some people claim all kinds of healing powers, but for me it was just a nice relaxing and trippy thing.


a friend said he was looking forward to hearing 3 years worth of updates to their live software system.
part of me hopes it’ll therefore be a shock hardware only set.


I think they kinda said they were done with their MAX mega patch after the last two albums. I’m thinking there might be a bit of a shift afoot.

this new promo shot may give some clues ;11073249_1089873037706539_6234901679013385432_n


I can’t say I’m unhappy to hear that


Speaking as probably the world’s biggest NTS Sessions fan, I’d say they’ve got as much out of it as they’re going to.

Of course I’m open to being proven wrong.


The rumor I heard was they’re doing sets comprised completely of Behringer clones and Korg Volcas… but we’ll see.

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Imagine them using the silver Elektrons again! Prices of Mnm would skyrocket to 10k euros next day!

I don’t know, I heard a Timbre Wolf paired with CDJ’s

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I’ve generally reached the conclusion that I’ve no idea what the 'chre use to make their music and the most important thing is their approach rather than the specific tools… I’m sure if they did bust out an all Volca album (recorded in Digital Performer, natch) then it’d be pretty tasty regardless…

I’m sure you’ll love it if you love their music. The only people I’ve been to Autechre gigs and didn’t enjoy the lights out aspect were people who went with expectations of some kind of “show”.

I can still see the looks on the faces of these trance music fans some guy had dragged to the Granada studios show with him.

Of course it was dark, so I’m only remembering what I imagined their faces looked like and I was high as balls, so most of them looked like Tom Hardy I think.


Yeah, that’s the only time I’ve seen them after some solid beer consumption - was pretty great although me and my mate got some pretty weird looks for our Scottish chat in the queues for the toilets - and he’s from Bury. Great night!

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I’ve seen them three times: Quaristice tour, Overstep tour (I think) and NTS tour.

The best memory I retain is hands down from the Quaristice tour.

It’s not that the other ones were not good, but the Quaristice one almost made you wanna dance (although it was impossible for me to find the right steps). The other ones were just pure pleasure to listen to.

I wish I could have attended one during this era:


The one and only time I saw them was on the Quarstice tour and it really was almost pretty danceable. Such a good performance, really wish I could find higher quality recordings from that tour.

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I’m now imagining the set will be them applying system updates to an old Windows laptop and rebooting a lot.