Ah fuck, now I kind of regretting not getting the tickets

I’m seeing them in Primavera anyway but doubt it’d be the same as sitting in the dark at Barbican… Perhaps they will do it at the Forum

recently an italian music reviewer wrote “Storia musicale della nostra estinzione”(tr. Musical History of our extinction) an interesting book about early IDM artists like AE, BoC and AFX as “vanguard of the future relationship between human beings and Digital technologies”. There is a podcast with interview with the author in the link below, although the whole radio program is spoken in italian, you could appreciate easily the music. Hopefully the book will be translated in english too!


Time to motivate myself, to look for the trains… too late.
And the other lives are so far away, there was really only London accessible.
At the same time 5 dates, it’s really not much.

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No Poland appearance…bah!

Nitzer Ebb and Front 242 are playing soon though :mechanical_arm:


One of my favorite ae tracks. Stunning closer to exai.
To me they already peaked with their max msp era style on this album.
Some great tracks afterwards but it became a bit samish to my ears on the latest outputs.
I know many disagree… Loved exai. One of their best


I agree Exai is brilliant, some of my favourite Autechre from their newer era. Feel like no one talks about 11 is which is one of my favourite all time tracks from them. That groove is just brilliant.


great track indeed

I was at this gig and it was my first time seeing AE live and it completely blew my face off. It was everything I wanted it to be and more.


I really like some of Autechre’s 90s stuff, but after that it’s not my cup of tea. The sound design is really interesting of course and the odd track speaks to me but I need a bit more predictable rhythm and melody in my music. It’s seems less like music and more like sound exploration. Good sample fodder. I appreciate that this opinion probably puts me in the minority and makes me very unhip.

That said, I would like to see them live once. The sounds they make are crazy.

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Thanks! It’s good to know that at least a part of my canone money is used well!

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Far be it from me to call someone unhip, but I feel a need to point out that 1) a defining attribute of Autechre’s music is that it rewards and reveals more detail with repeated listens and 2) more subjectively, they have some of my favorite melodies… but they are often slightly hidden.


so then I guess you come from Italy like me! Actually Radio3 is the only italian main radio station which explores a wide range of music and even sound art thanks to radio shows like 6 Gradi and the aforementioned Battiti. I guess you can enjoy listening to their podcasts…

looks like there’s an extra barbican show on the 7th oct at 22:30…
two in one night, i’m tempted!!! (if not very greedy and they’d probably be quite similar)

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Damn, I had hope to sneak in. Gonna have to get up early on the 18th to secure the tickets…

Is there another date in London ?

edit: Ok I saw, same day, same place 10pm…

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Holding out for more tour dates further north - ideally Glasgow but would make an effort to get down to Manc. Jealous of those that are going to the Barbican gigs not only for the show but because it would seem criminal if you folks didn’t organise an Elektronauts meet-up. I’ll be there in spirit at least…

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Can a Londoner confirm to me that by metro,
from St. Pancras Station to the Barbican Centre,
is it something like 10 minutes, or am I dreaming?

13 mins by public transport, 30/40 minutes on foot, 10 minute uber.

and if you’re coming from outside will there be trains home after 12?

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The first train to Belgium seems to be around 1pm the next day but this train website ***** is buggy.
But hey anyway if I manage to grab a ticket for Ae, the transport looks optimal.

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i’ll give this tour a miss, i think i saw them at barbican before and was bored.
possibly left early,…
i’m definitely in the ‘likes their early stuff’ camp.