That was a treat to wake up and have coffee to this morning. Sean is a lot sweater than I had imagined him. I always pictured him to be a bit of a grump, for whatever reason. :man_facepalming: that was super chill and fun!

To be honest, in some of the older interviews he does come across as a bit of a grump, probably because the interviewer is annoying or whatever, but it was really lovely to see him so relaxed and happy. Like he mentions having the attitude of ā€œwhy is everything so shitā€ back in the day but now heā€™s much more complimentary about other artists, technology, and other things. Made me smile.

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like the kit listā€¦

ā€œcomputer, controllers, speakers, interfacesā€¦thats itā€¦ā€

doesnt matter what you use so long as the shits good. :+1:t6:


ā€œI look like Moby? Fuck you, manā€ :joy::joy::joy:


I think he doesnt burn out [47:00 and 50:40] cuz he likes what he does. form my experience burn out happens when you constantly make shit, like myself. totally disheartening. Iā€™D SLAY to sit down in anxious anticipation to play my gear. but I sit knowing disappointment will follow.

I need to find the stuff that allows me to have fun. not sure thatā€™ll come tho

VS a regular jobā€¦pretty sure he does his own hours. how long he wants when he wants. beats a regular job or one that has you crunch for weeksā€¦months. It must also be fun when youā€™re good at something

Ive only listened to about 2hrs of this AMAā€¦

I donā€™t know if itā€™s been asked, but Iā€™ve always wondered since they went full MAX, do they still use samples, if so how much. Or if they just generate everything now?

I got the impression itā€™s both and anything goes, and some of it is samples of themselves and all sorts. Interestingly, he said all the tracks are basically solo tracks (which is obvious to them) but not to anyone else. They do use each otherā€™s code and patches tho, or one would do a kind of remix of something the other did, so there is some collaboration. Oh yeah, and there was a bit when Sean said heā€™ll break out the older gear for remixes of other artists, just to fuck around, keep it fresh.


Iā€™ve not watched that much yet but one part I did catch was where he was talking about how heā€™s not got much hardware and that Rob has inherited a lot of it - the inference being that it might still get some use - perhaps to feed into ā€œthe systemā€. No sure, but itā€™s really interesting stuff for sure.


I remember at one point him saying he uses dxm sample often.


Ya I caught that bit. Said at Exai they went full on MAX. He gave all his gear to friends, the lions share to Rob.

But MAX it pretty slick with samples. Just wondered if they bothered anymore. I mean I was kinda blown away that he said he wrote some code for that last Gescom thing, AMKS_1, to generate all the scratch stuff. So sick. I thought it was by hand.

@craig kinda interesting he has no idea how Rob does his shit. :slight_smile:


Didnā€™t he said that Deckardā€™s Dream was used on DekDre Scap B?


What a G.

Yeah he was not forgiving of the journalist who cursed them by mischaracterizing them (Rob) as thinking their early work is cheesy. It was really interesting to hear how Incunabula and Amber were compiled with Warpā€™s ā€œbrandingā€ efforts in mind. I made an audible gasp when he said theyā€™d declined to sign Drexciya.

Iā€™d like to know how they can so easily tell which track is a Rob track and which is a Sean. And for the love of god could someone please find out what interfaces they use!

He kind of made me regret selling my ASR10 :grimacing:


Yeah, super interesting! And I know some people love the early stuff but for me Autechre begins with Tri Repartae. Then again, it was my introduction to them so there is a heavy dose of nostalgia at play there too.


Just watched the AMA. Weird but it made me happy that he likes Sun Ra even though at first he thought that it was just a cacophony for him.

And of course, he is right to say that plumbing is more difficult than using Maxā€¦

Hereā€™s the full 5 hours



Here just Ā± 1 per album, only wonders.


I had to google ā€œmozzieā€ (sic)

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know and Iā€™ve listened extensively to the older stuff. Iā€™m just saying prefer everything from Tri Repartae onwards. Although, VLetrmx is a massive influence on me :slight_smile:


Iā€™d be more interested in finding out about their controllers.
Although Sean has earlier said that he uses a Kenton Killamix.

I find it amazing that Tri repartae is nearly 30 years old. It sounds so good, could have been released this year, and itā€™s still my favourite Autechre album.