A4: repeats / retrig / ratcheting

They are.


Ah yes, you’re right. To be more specific, then, the A4 doesn’t save arp settings as part of a sound. DN does do this, so multiple sound locks can be used on DN for different ratchet rates. But this particular trick isn’t possible on the A4

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Right. @sezare56 mentioned it was possible to use the jump pattern mode to quickly between patterns, which have different arp settings.
I usually just p-locked shorter/longer note lentghs with arp on or used an exp lfo on the filter with filter fairly closed or exp lfo on amp volume - p-lock/play with lfo speed. Covers a lot of ratcheting territory.


And this should be possibly controlled by a (CV or FX) track sending midi notes with midi loopback, using Multi Map Jump pattern change. :loopy:
% trig conditions for randomness…


The A4/AK is such a deep instrument, perfect groovebox for a lonely island, fallout shelter or zombie apocalypse. :grin:

Most of us probably never really explore all these things it can do…


The Devs just could add these pretty simple (IMO) features like normal re-trigs (like in Analog Rytm!) or/and P-locks for Arp settings.
I see this as special limitation and the part of the marketing model.
You know, dudes… According to how much A4 MK2 costs… it’s not fair! We’ve didn’t bought some sort of a bargain gear. It’s like “the iphone in the gear world”. It’s not my thought but I like it.

Same obsolescence?
A4 MKI is still usable.

Not sure this really applies here. As with many Elektrons, the A4 was transformed quite a bit throughout the years. It even started without polyphony, just 4 mono synths in a box.
They added midi output after years of feature requests. The notion always had been it‘s just not happening, possible hardware limitation.

You know, as a company you can‘t just withhold features. It‘s gonna have an impact, potential customers will just look elsewhere if certain features aren‘t there, but like I said, they added a fair amount of features. It might be p-lockable arp is simply not as much requested as it might seem, it might also not be trivial to add, there might be other reasons, who knows. But there’s no clear indication they are intentionally withholding features.


You can, and you should “withhold features”. Products are better with limits and focus. Forks and spoons can all do a bit of what a knife does, but they focus on their strengths (and knives make shit spoons)… Harps can’t do what timpani does. Product developers don’t have infinite time and staff, they have limits including their own health (and profitability). Feature decisions need to be focused, not “throw every option in so the product does everything”.

I’m not rejecting ratcheting on the A4, but I am rejecting the notion that every Elektron box should do every “obvious” function. Let them have their character and quirks; let Elektron take their time working out the blend that suits the product line. Embrace it! Find your own workarounds. Take inspiration from the idea that a viola and a trumpet impersonating a train will (usually) allow the composer more emotional range than a sample of a train.


Agreed. That´s why I said it might not be trivial to add or not much requested. It´s not withholding when there´s a reason beyond sales tactics in my book.
Probably theres a reason for it, besides sales tactics in terms of feature comparison. They have to conscientiously think about what´s good for their products and company. Sometimes I see this notion that it´s good for a company to “save” certain features for the flagship products or even to save them for future products. That might work if you have a monopoly and people “have to buy”…and even in this case your monopoly could face a competitor, because of this.

And generally speaking, what might have worked in the past might not be so good for the sales figures in the future. Things change. And absolutely, you can´t just task all your developers with going through all the feature requests on the list.

@Elektron can we have Retrig added to steps on the AK/A4mk1&2 please?

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Anyone tried sequencing their A4 from their AR?

Does Retrig on the AR sequencer carry over to the A4 since midi out capabilities were miraculously added?

I have booked myself a session with my Analogs later today. I’ll try it and report back. My guess is “no, retrigs are a sequencer parameter not exposed over MIDI”.

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I’d give it a go but my AK is back in storage.

No, unfortunately not…

Is Octatrack the only way for midi retrigs ? (on Elektron machines obviously).

2 ways on OT, with trig counts and arp.

I ran out of time for this. Didn’t manage to touch the gears at all.

No, I’ve meant that it’s also a “luxury” in the gear world :slight_smile: Prices are quite high and the features are pretty… let’s say “modest”. I like A4 MKI for it’s size BTW! It’s bad that giving MK2 these cool buttons they’ve didn’t maintained the same size.
Also I’ve considered to buy MKI but my mind somehow decided that “maybe MK2 will be maintained by newer firmware better than MKI”. Now I see that here is no difference practically )
P.S. I’ve reminded - my decision was because MK2 has separate outputs! I’ve wanted MK1 for it’s size and the price… But outputs “bought me”.

For myself: I can’t buy every Elektron’s gear :slight_smile: Even if I’ve had enough money for this… I don’t have enough space! I literally have several good synths that sits in boxes because I don’t have a studio.
My hope was that this cool analog groove box will contain all basic features that their competitors (like MPCs) has. And “ratchets” is basic. The comparison about forks, spoons and knives is a metaphorical misconception here.
If you want this kind of a metaphor: A4 MK2 is like a robust stainless steel fork with just two teeths :slight_smile: Generally you only can take big pieces of meat or big potatoes with it. You can’t serve pasta and etc. As a usual fork.

I really don’t know any other good analog groove box. I’ve wanted a multitimbral analog synth with a cool sequencer as a “sketch machine” for my work far away from my PC. And A4 MK2 is ideal for this… Just missing these simple “ratchet” function :frowning:
I want to trip with this machine and maybe nothing else (no laptop or a bigger PC). It frees me from a lot of cables and needs to connect/reconnect to continue a project. And I can render it anywhere basically. Also it gives me great possibilities to play live sets.
What can be better? Analog Rytm… but it has own limitations. :)) So I need to buy and bear another groovebox to fill these gaps.
P.S. of course I’ll be doing some tricks like making stuff without ratchets and writing on a paper the places where it must be and after rendering I’ll be doing it manually (where it’s possible). But it’s a pain. Not a “good limitation to find your creative workaround”.