Ableton co-founder Robert Henke thinks we should bring back CDs


Folks like this also know where the medicine is, not just food and shelter.
Plus they have mad experience.
Maybe they have a chance

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Okay gotcha, won’t be wasting my time with you any longer. :slight_smile:

No, but that doesn’t change the fact that people thrive in the jungle, and know how to survive off the earth instead of destroying it

I kinda like CD sleeves


tons of slept on jewel case designs would be nice if people cared

This is amazing. This is way more of an issue than vinyl or CD. The fact that folks now have more and more electronic device and all of it digitally connected, and all of it being obsolete in a matter of years, is just a huge, huge enviro suck. I think in regard to Henkes argument, if comparing vinyl to CD then yes CD is more efficient. But if comparing CD and vinyl to the entire landscape of digital infrastructure to just download a track, the difference is massive.


I quit watching his videos after that :laughing:


I have a big wall of cds. They won’t be going anywhere. 90% digitised nowadays though, but I still keep a pair of cdj1000’s around for sync and waveform free mixup moments. I am largely against paid streaming, though buying digital releases is the better option nowadays.

Quite a few dj friends back in the day who removed the covers and kept disks in those wallets all found that over time Cds started rotting. They need to be left in the og packaging so that air doesn’t condense. Audio cds were once touted as being a super long lasting medium that was perfect for archiving, the truth is quite far south of that, especially for low quality burned media.

As for sound quality, I don’t think in general it has been surpassed unless you can get a DAT version, or 24 bit 96k renders direct from the artist or label. Vinyl and tape has a warmth/or Lofi charm that can be mimicked via eq and processing if need be, but you can’t make them have that sparkle and clarity that an audio CD offers.

As for the environment, it’s all bad, but buying second hand negates that better than anything else


we should bring back the golden era of goa trance!


DAT tape does have a cool character to it.
I loved it when Aphex Twin released all those cuts on soundsloud

This thread made me think of this comedy skit.
It’s George Carlin’s take on plastic.
It really doesn’t take into consideration anything except the planet itself (nor do I agree with everything he says). It’s just a funny perspective on the whole thing imo. Listen past the beginning which might make you want to stop watching it.

Don’t take it too seriously or literally, it’s comedy.


I always think of this thing Terrence McKenna said, something to the effect of,
“Just imagine we do all this good work and really turn things around and save the planet, just in time to get hit by an asteroid”

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Yeah exactly :joy:. It’s more food for thought than anything else.

He’s not necessarily trying to convince you of anything either. He just gives you a different perspective to think from.

Sometimes we get ourselves overwhelmed and worked up inside with everything. Sure we can do our best (and we should imo). But if you step back and look at it as a much larger picture we almost seem ridiculous.

All of these things matter to us because we choose for them to matter to us. Maybe (most likely) they don’t matter to the rocks and the stars in the next galaxy over. Yes what we do affects everything but how much can we control what happens to the universe and how can we even begin to think that we know what’s best for it?


Totally agree.
I’m all for us trying our best, exploring new things like green energy, or keeping convenience stores for putting anything in a plastic bag, etc.
I like the idea of shooting for a better future for the generation that will be here long after ours.
However, we know so little and seem to care so much in strange ways at times.
I love comedy too.
It’s the last stronghold for honest assessments reminding us not to take ourselves to seriously and have a good laugh.


100% green music :robot:


This thread has truly derailed my YouTube recommendations. Thanks, I hate it.


I seriously doubt if this is true. Even if you don’t download often-played albums (which i try to do consciously), apps will cache.

That said, it’s shocking to see how much energy is involved in our Internet behaviour…

Nah, I disagree. Cd’s are so dope. Especially when artists put the time in to making them special. Just look at Caterina Barbieri’s ‘ecstatic computation’ she made a special edition I believe it was only sold in Japan. I dunno, I love cd’s, I don’t care if it’s lame lol.

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Illuminazi salute you :joy:

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