Ableton License Authorizations reset

How long does it usually take Ableton team to approve additional authorization or reset authorizations for Ableton Live Standard? I have two Macbooks that has had Ableton License and recently I wiped one of Macbooks of of Ableton software and gave it to my wife. tried to Authorize Windows PC instead of that wiped macbook but I have no authorizations left. So I have just one Macbook with the License. Ableton allows Licensing of two machines. I asked them for additional authorization couple days ago but there is no answer still. How would I remove license from Macbook that I gave to my wife as there is no way to do it (as far as I know). Should I always contact Ableton support to remove licenses of computers in case I replace or sell them?

don’t think you need contacting them unless you want to get extra unlock, you do need to uninstall from the old machine properly.

try this guide:

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As I can see I had to uninstall Live on previous machine, before installing on the new but I didn’t uninstall it properly I just wiped the whole system that deleted everything. maybe I’ll install and register on the old machine again and then uninstall it properly?

It is actually not clear what to do if you are in my situation. They can remove authorizations from all computers and allow me to authorize 2 machines that I want again, but there is no option on doing this so I asked them for additional authorization.

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I have asked for a new activation code before, no problem and usually they answered pretty quick. Maybe try it again.

Uninstalling does not really “un-license”. There is nothing like that.

I also have the feeling that, the longer you own Live the bigger is the trust and amount of activations. I have bought a Mac mini and Macbook in the last months and all could be activated no problem.

What does your Ableton account state? No more activations?


yeah it’s pretty vague and don’t know why can’t they have just unauthorize function from the web, probably asking for a new unlock would be the best, just wait for their response imo…

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Exactly - Account says No more activations. So I have one Macbook active but I can’t get License for my Windows PC

Yeah waiting :slight_smile: Makes me nervous :slight_smile:

I think when uninstalling Live properly it will report back to Ableton that machine is uninstalled and license is removed automatically. In my case I didn’t uninstalled it properly so their system thinks Live is still there. The only a question is why can’t I manually remove that license myself in my account? Arturia let’s people remove authorizations manually and you don’t need for a help. Interesting thing is that there is no option that I can choose: I have to ask for additional activations only, there is no option to remove license from the machine or reset activations.

Just contact them again, they are usually responding rather quickly in my experience.

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Yeah looks like I have to write them an email as pressing the link for additional authorizations doesn’t work for my as I already requested it and window shows me that they are working on the matter.


Same here, pretty fast response as well.

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I send ticket on Feb 18.

Could it be a problem for them to work on my authorizations that I have two different machines? Look, at very first I installed Live on Macbook #1 and Windows PC. Then I uninstalled live properly from Windows PC and moved the license to one more Macbook say # 2. Recently I have wiped Macbook #2 and and want to license Windows PC again. So I’ll have Macbook #1 and Windows PC authorised as it was initially. But there are no more authorizations… I should’ve uninstall Live from macbook#2 properly - that’s the problem, but why does it take so long to for them to help me. Looks like they didn’t understand what I’m doing and why I swap machines so often.

Not really. Uninstalling Live “properly” will not free up one of your unlocks. There’s no license control available for the end user. You still have to contact them for more unlocks. They tell you to remove it so that there’s not a prob if 3 computers are still using it, which may cause all unlocks to stop working (I’ve never tested this though heh)


I’d prefer just resetting my license count so hat I’ll be able to authorize whatever two machines I want again.

maybe then just transfer the license? it should remove all authorizations according to documentation

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Just give it another day as frustrating as it might be. Email was a good idea.

I am wondering if they look at the IP the request is coming from (like two different locations) and include that in the activation process. E.g. if you did one on the road and one at home.

We will never find out :smiley:

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don’t think, they probably make a “machine fingerprint” based on os and hardware serials and just compare it

A new authorization may become necessary in the event of replacing essential hardware components (motherboard, hard drive, graphic card, etc.) or after an OS reinstallation

also, offline activation is available so it’s definitely not IP based…


They’ll just send you a fresh activation. They’ve done it for me a couple of times. They’re super friendly. :slight_smile: