AI generated art

Why does every single AI image looks like it comes from the mind of someone with severe mental issues … ?

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They changed theit algorithm quite recently :slight_smile:

What is normal?
Everyone is able to just scroll over things instead putting bold statements.

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A tip for those trying out Midjourney

Adding words like “unreal engine 5” “4K” “hyper realistic” “photo realism” really bumps up the quality of the generated images.

Furthermore you can actually specify the aspect ratio by typing “—ar 16 : 9” “2 : 3”

“3 : 2” creates vertical images so I guess “ 9 : 16” would do the same


They made the AI unpleased :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I’m actually finding the further along this goes…the more samey it’s getting. I asked specifically for a cartoony image and it was in the vein of that 60s sci fi still.

Losing interest. I spent the last bunch trying to confuse it instead. Now….my extended demo has drawn to a close. Don’t think I’ll miss it tho :man_shrugging:t5:

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It’s actually pretty incredible, I scoped the discord a bit and saw people really doing deep dives with the prompts and coming up with incredible results… it really depends on what prompts you use. The more detailed prompt will lead to a more detailed picture.

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I used that link that details out how to make specific prompts. Someone provided way up the thread

This heavily depends on your prompts. I quickly went through the Community Gallery yesterday and I was quite shocked how diverse and accurate it got after the recent update. Only thing that (still) bothers me: The faces all seem to be the same either “white” or “asian” woman. Seems to be some bug, or ghost in the shell :rofl:

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So I just revisited the wombo dream app and damn have they messed that up… now it’s filled with ads and the results aren’t even close to Midjourney…

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did you also try this?

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There’s no point. I don’t have access anymore. No biggie.

But thanks.

My money needs to go towards food vs Midjourney.


Not making a statement , i was asking a question … would sincerely like to know if there is a reason for it

I think that ai democratizes access to original art. It will be interesting to see what the implications are. As we are on a music forum, one obvious use is inexpensive album artwork. I noticed quickly in my minimal free-trial use that MidJourney was great for developing metal-esque album artwork.

I haven’t decided how exactly I feel about AI art. I find it extremely exciting from the technical advancement/futurism standpoint. It’s also amazing in the sense that I do think a lot of creations I’ve seen could have been on gallery walls prior and nobody would have batted an eye. However, now that anyone can do this, I question how the art world will change.

I don’t feel like I am the artist because I put some prompts into a machine. Sure, I am influencing the machine but I would have not been capable of making those creations on my own. I would have a hard time calling these my creations without prefacing it with a statement such as “I created these in MidJourney”.

I guess one analogy I might use is that it feels more like being a DJ than a songwriter.


That’s a pretty good analogy actually - as a good DJ is bringing a lot more creativity to the table than your average ‘curator’, so it doesn’t diminish your role to one of an elevated spectator - but it recognises that you’re working with another artist to accomplish your means.

I do still struggle with this though - it’s intuitive to think this way, I think, but I can’t help but bring up the camera again as a comparison. I can’t create an accurate depiction of a sunset, and taking a picture of one just involves me picking a set of attributes and changing some settings. So are we saying photographers aren’t artists?

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Well, first of all such algorithms are feed with hundreds of thousands images from all over the internet.

Second thing is interest of user and the prompt someone puts into it.

For example: I love Horrormovies, Lovecraft, Gigers Art, Synthesizers… Guess what keywords I’ve feed into those pictures :wink:

I would not put so much weight into that.

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Yeah, that’s why I am undecided as to how I feel. It’s analogous to other mediums but it’s also really it’s own thing. It overlaps other arts convincingly well and this is just the beginning. Perhaps one of my biggest sources of irresoluteness is how low effort it seems.

Within photography things such as composition (where the photographer is positioned and frames the subject) are decided by the human. A photographer can wait hours and even days to get a shot. Developing that shot is a task and art itself. Composition, for instance is a thing midjourney seems to do amazingly well without any prompt to direct it to do so.

The cat is out of the bag and AI is only going to get better from here. I guess in a sense I feel for any artist that may have been working in artwork that anyone using an AI can now do as well or better. It’s like being able to buy shoes that make you skate like Tony Hawk and feeling that you really are a skater on par with Tony Hawk.

I suppose it’s a matter of adapting and putting in the hard work to separate yourself from the masses of new AI “artists”.

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So if these images are pieced together out of existing images , can we really call it intelligent … ?
And that leads us right to sampling… if all the samples from DJ Shadows Entroducing were fed into a AI program , would something as good as Shadows work come out or would we hear random noise ?

Intelligence is just a word. We humans talk about, but in the end…. There could be intelligences in the universe that we just can’t recognize. Like ants that have no concept of lets say toothbrushes….

We think we are intelligent, but I don’t think that’s the truth at all.

I don’t think we are qualified to nail such words down to the point.

Perhaps it all depends from the individual perspective.