AK OSCs Fatter than A4?

The A4 can certianly generate low end sub bass with the best of them- but it lacks the big round textured sound that lives in the 100-200 kHz range, in my mind.

Sorry to disappoint you, but this is the reality “sale trick” we have seen for the last 15 years :slight_smile:
¡ Especially with the huge collection of VA synths out there :slight_smile:


The A4 can certianly generate low end sub bass with the best of them- but it lacks the big round textured sound that lives in the 100-200 kHz range, in my mind. [/quote]
try the resonance and distortion trick, it makes the sound bigger in this reggion


Sorry to disappoint you, but this is the reality “sale trick” we have seen for the last 15 years :slight_smile:
¡ Especially with the huge collection of VA synths out there :)[/quote]
I guess my ears and the ears of most major producers are totally faulty.

Thanks for blowing the lid off that conspiracy for me.

I’m going to list all my analogs for sale, and buy a Virus. Same thing. Right?

The A4 can certianly generate low end sub bass with the best of them- but it lacks the big round textured sound that lives in the 100-200 kHz range, in my mind. [/quote]
try the resonance and distortion trick, it makes the sound bigger in this reggion[/quote]
I know, I know…it just isn’t my kind of bass synth. I’ve accepted it!

No problem, people are too naĂŻve :slight_smile:

Well that is totally up to you :slight_smile: I will not buy your “analog stuff” because I do not have space for more keys :slight_smile:

Nothing personal, but I would not buy an “Access virus” either because my ears are telling that you can make same sounds on a computer VSTI :slight_smile:

No problem, people are too naĂŻve :slight_smile:

Well that is totally up to you :slight_smile: I will not buy your “analog stuff” because I do not have space for more keys :slight_smile:

Nothing personal, but I would not buy an “Access virus” either because my ears are telling that you can make same sounds on a computer VSTI :)[/quote]
You’re right. I’ll just keep randomizing sequencers in Ableton and I’m sure to produce the greatest music ever created by mankind.

On second thought, does anyone have the .mid files and presets for “best song ever created?”. Randomizing sequencers is too much work.

No problem, people are too naĂŻve :slight_smile:

Well that is totally up to you :slight_smile: I will not buy your “analog stuff” because I do not have space for more keys :slight_smile:

Nothing personal, but I would not buy an “Access virus” either because my ears are telling that you can make same sounds on a computer VSTI :)[/quote]
I don’t understand the point you are trying to make teevee. I share the same opinion as RyanElektric, and it’s not because of “hype”; A4 did not excel at bass for me. I hope the AK does though; I’m really looking forward to hearing them compared side-by-side. The first thing I’d like to hear is if the PW sounds better when modulated. There was something I didn’t like about it on the A4, and I suspect it has to do with th filter’s ability to handle certain frequencies?? idk

My point from earlier is:
There is a limit of how “fat” you can make a sound and telling a buyer that you can keep making the sound fatter, sharper and more analogue is used as sale-argument for too many years :slight_smile:

You may ask: Why?

If you are telling the buyer “We made a new synth but it’s not sharper, fatter more bass kicking, compared to what you have heard until now” Then it will not sell.
· I don’t care if you don’t believe me :slight_smile: but that’s how marketing works for sellers ^.^

My point from earlier is:
There is a limit of how “fat” you can make a sound and telling a buyer that you can keep making the sound fatter, sharper and more analogue is used as sale-argument for too many years :slight_smile:

You may ask: Why?

If you are telling the buyer “We made a new synth but it’s not sharper, fatter more bass kicking, compared to what you have heard until now” Then it will not sell.
· I don’t care if you don’t believe me :slight_smile: but that’s how marketing works for sellers ^.^[/quote]
We are talking about Elektron’s A4 though right? I’m not saying that I have trouble believing anything; I’m saying there’s no point to you telling people who aren’t satisfied with A4’s sound that they have fallen victim to marketing hype.
I don’t get along with the A4’s sound, but I think I could if they tweaked a few things… i.e. making it handle bass frequencies better. I might not even like the AK’s sound with the tweaks to the bass; who knows?
But you don’t need to go around explaining “marketing” to synth enthusiasts who’ve tried, and bought various synths for many years.

The A4 can certianly generate low end sub bass with the best of them- but it lacks the big round textured sound that lives in the 100-200 kHz range, in my mind. [/quote]
try the resonance and distortion trick, it makes the sound bigger in this reggion[/quote]
I know, I know…it just isn’t my kind of bass synth. I’ve accepted it![/quote]

now I´m curious about your kind of bass

This makes me go buahduxhaz<<zzzzz[/quote]
i’m not shure if i understand the spirit of your reply here Cenk. (yeah, didnt knew it was you when i contacted support).

I really respect and enjoy your music and learn a lot with you videos… but i would really have liked that you gave us some relevant info on this matter, because you are one of the “choosen ones” that have been able to hear the difference…m if there is any.

I dont use google translate, and yes, i have so many mistakes writing in english though, will try to learn more… )

I agree with many of the replies here

And just to clarify, though i think i explained it in my earlier posts, I AM NOT saying i cant get huge fat bass sounds and kicks or anything else out of my A4, im NOT saying it doest sound lovely good, i love my A4, the sequencer is a dream come true, the FX, etc etc… BUT i think theres room for improovement, specially in the OSC’s fatnes (and please no more hot-dog pics)… or is it absolutelly perfect in that respect?

If the AK is not the thing i expect regarding oscillators,i’ll just buy an (under my subjectiveness) fat CV oscillator to use it when i just want a raw and strong wave with some delay or reverb

There’s a lot of talk about the sound of oscillators.
How did you manage to hear the raw unfiltered sound of the oscillators?[/quote]
hmmm i missed this reply…

well, i think i can read between lines

i was talking about setting a patch up with no modulations, no ressonance, fully opened filters, etc… The sound of the OSC alone… as far as you are letting us controll that… looks for your question that it may be that theres some kind of “power” hidding inside that we users dont (yet?) have access to it? :wink:

I’d guess Dataline is just expressing a sort of apathetic bewilderment at people being so prejudicially critical of what might be a very subtle change to some circuitry. It sort of misses the whole point of what the A4/K is all about given how much control you have already to alter the sound.

Why not wait a few weeks and then there will be some AK owner posting a comparison of the AK vs A4.

It is like saying my HB pencil isn’t dark enough, I need a HB+ before the pictures I draw are how I mean them to be.

I will await a few soundcloud side by side clips before I get too bothered.

There’s a lot of talk about the sound of oscillators.
How did you manage to hear the raw unfiltered sound of the oscillators?[/quote]
Thanks for the tip, but please read my OP, i know how to make the A4 sound fat!
im not talking about big bass sounds here, its not same.
What i want to make is get a full and fat sounding unfiltered Square wave at lower octaves with my a4 (ala juno, Arp, even arturia’s minibrute), can you do it with A4? Can anyone do it?

i cant

can the AK do it?

videos seem to show a big difference… i hope there is a difference, or that the A4 update unlocks some “hidden power” for the OSCs…

Ths bit explains why you and others react like if i was attacking, you simply dont read what i write… well, do i have to repeat again what i already stated in several posts?

And yes, i’ve considered swaping it for another synth, but as you well said, one doesnt only buy an elektron machine for its raw sound, there’s a lot more and i think i stated that as well in the original post. My thoughts now are either upgrade to an AK (if sound dfference is worth for me) or keep the A4 and get a couple of fat sounding CV controlled oscillators to fit them to it.


I’ll wait a week to hear it myself, and then i’ll decide

… and that’s the reason why i havn’t bought anything released since y2000…except elektrons.

I myself am considering either the a4 or the ak. As for bass - i’m pretty much covered as is, and i guess i won’t be getting the a4\ak specifically for bass - but rather more for its sequencer, the things you can do with its p-locks (like changing presets per step) which can give unique textures etc, and its ability to sequence via cv.
For bass i have another “A4”. The GRP A4. Also the vermona perfourmer mkii and the SE Omega 8. All are FAT bastards, warm and what not. But the GRP has cv and gate inputs for pitch and filters - and the elektron a4 has 4 cv outs, so it fits right in.

The only question, as others have noted, is whether there’s a significant difference in timbre between the a4 and the ak. If i understand correct - the whole “extended filter” with the boosted resonance is going to be available for the a4 as well via the nearest update. So the question is whether this “fine tune” elektron are speaking of (which they claim to give the ak - over the a4) is noticeable, barely noticeable, or completely un-noticeable and only detected thru the use of an oscilloscope.
If there’s no substantial sonic difference - than to me, soundwise, the ak will only be a kb version of the a4, but have identical (or at least 99.9% identical) sound engine.
I don’t need another keyboard. But if the ak has a sonic edge over the a4 - i can make room. I’m just not convinced there is an edge, and whether it’s true or “fairy tale”.

Moral(s) of the story: the Analogue 4 is the first synth capable of all bass timbres and textures that people might like out of any other analogue synth…

…which is irrelevant because analog timbres and textures are nothing but marketing hype.

There’s a lot of talk about the sound of oscillators.
How did you manage to hear the raw unfiltered sound of the oscillators?[/quote]
hmmm i missed this reply…

well, i think i can read between lines

i was talking about setting a patch up with no modulations, no ressonance, fully opened filters, etc… The sound of the OSC alone… as far as you are letting us controll that… looks for your question that it may be that theres some kind of “power” hidding inside that we users dont (yet?) have access to it? :wink:

When i read it i thought he was hinting as to whether or not you opened the box and stuck a scope probe on the relevant IC pin…