AK OSCs Fatter than A4?

Additional Moral(s) of the story: Don’t (over)read too much into anything you read on the internet, even expert opinion - trust your own instincts, the only truths are in physics, and above all > speculation is pointless, especially when it leads to all this angst

No, i didn’t and that’s not the point. Who cares if there is some hidden power if you cant efectivelly hear/use it for some reason as a regular user

Thanks for the misguided lecture that proves your inability to process a fundamental complexity of human interaction: differences of opinion. Also included within that is part of another fundamental human trait: processing externally gathered data with personal observation to arrive at an opinion.

“Speculation”: as in “I wonder/hope the filter is different, because I’d probably buy the AK” that came from the OP, is only causing angst because of the emotional reaction it seems to have caused in owners of the original A4. As an owner of the A4 who came here to attempt a rational discussion with the OP, the thread was derailed by unnecessary comments from people the post obviously didn’t apply to.

Here’s a hint: someone not liking a musical instrument you like for their purposes for their musical tastes should have no bearing on the totally subjective relationship you yourself share with the instrument.

Edit: have we lost sight of the fact these instruments we use are tools for creating a form of art we wish to express? Not sports teams we follow or status symbols we defend?

Thanks for the misguided lecture that proves your inability to process a fundamental complexity of human interaction: differences of opinion. Further, another fundamental human trait: processing externally gathered data with personal observation to arrive at an opinion.

“Speculation”: as in “I wonder/hope the filter is different, because I’d probably buy the AK” that came from the OP, is only causing angst because of the emotional reaction it seems to have caused in owners of the original A4. As an owner of the A4 who came here to attempt a rational discussion with the OP, he thread was derailed by unnecessary comments from people the post obviously didn’t apply to.

Here’s a hint: someone not liking a musical instrument you like for their purposes for their musical tastes should have no bearing on the totally subjective relationship you yourself share with the instrument.

Edit: have we lost sight of the fact these instruments we use are tools for creating a form of art we wish to express? Not sports teams we follow or status symbols we defend?[/quote]
there’s no need to get personal !

i’d read between all the lines and i’ve no problem with what i’d contributed and why

i’m not even sure what the attack is about, maybe you’re attributing my thoughts as being directed at your comments, they weren’t, i skim read them because you were having a semantics debate with another member

i only borrowed your opening line because that’s what seemed apt

a baseless rumour somewhere on the internet has led to this moment, the happy forum has gone sour, why ! … read the OP

Well, for me this is enought, thanks guys!

it was a simple question, and i tried to explain the point in the best way possible without trying to offend anyone…

Just a simple question: Does the circuit redessign make the AK sound fatter, more round at lower octaves with the oscillators set up with no modulations, opened filters etc?

3 pages, 2 elektron staff joining the thread, but 90% of what’s been writen here is completely offtopic, based in missreads and personal feelings.

I’ll wait next week to hear it by myself, with the A4 side by side, and i’ll then tell the difference i can notice if there is any to the ones that are interested in such a crucial aspect of a Synthesizer.


Even the Magic 8 ball is not 100% certain.

I’m with you since page 1. What a weird thread with an even weirder progression.

Yep, sounds like you’re all set on the DEEP & FAT department. I too think the strength of the A4 is in the sequencer interaction (I wouldn’t count on it strictly for deep/fat basses).

edit: hmm I could have sworn there was a zahush76 post in here somewhere; I swear that I did not have hallucinogens this particular morning,

this thread does harm to innocent kittens.

Everytime someone mentions DEEP or FAT, a kitten is squashed :sob: … oops, just killed a couple… :zonked:

Everytime someone mentions DEEP or FAT, a kitten is squashed :sob: … oops, just killed a couple… :zonked: [/quote]
it gets even worst if you write it “PHAT”…this thing almost extinct, cats in the 90s…

i just watched the oscilloscope screenshots someone posted earlier and i have to say, beside that i always felt the A4 has no bottom, iam shocked !

the square wave is no squarewave the triangle no triangle and the saw consits of two waveshapes actually …

cant believe that ^^

its different when you think you hear something and not sure if its your ears or your brain that tells you wrong stuff, and month later you see a graph that tells you youre right .

so now iam about to evaluate if i switch to a tetr4 / minotaur combination with my MD as sequencer …

thats a sad day …

Who cares what the scope looks like. Mine sounds amazing.

mine sounds amazing too, except in the bottom two octaves.

Its just a matter of principle if i buy a product that should provide a saw a triangle and a square wave and isnt capable of doing so, i sell it and buy another one that does it ^^easy as that hehe

If you want perfect squares and triangles, use software, but most analog circuits have their own take on how these waveforms are generated; that’s what makes them inidividual sounding. In 10 years, someone will be trying to model the special characteristics of the A4 osc, that nobody else was able to mimic. Now that’s PHAT!

Stay away from the Prophet 12 then! That has some unconventional interpretations of triangle and square. Admittedly the don’t exhibit quite such odd behaviour as the A4’s waves, particularly in the lower octaves.
My opinion on the A4 has been divided since day one. I love the sequencer, the delay and reverb, and the CV out (once I got it calibrated with the MS-20 Mini). I’ve never been convinced that the synth voice itself is right for me, though.
It’s very much Elektron’s unique take on what an analog synth can be, and that’s to it’s credit. It’s possibly a bit too far away from what I, personally, like about analog sounds. I also don’t find programming it comes as naturally to me as my other synths, so I find sequencing them from the Monomachine more inspiring.

maybe it’d look more authentic in the frequency domain, besides, having the pulsewidth on all shapes is a fairly unique architecture

just read a few comments above my first one.

just to make one thing clear, we all react emotionally when its about music and instruments, no need to be offended, also i LOVE elektron gear, and the A4 is the most capable analog synth i ever saw.

but nevertheless every device has its plus and minuses. and no one has to defend elektron here, we all are here because we love their gear, but its still a company and if i like another companies product more, i sell equippment that i dont like that much to buy the new one …

praising a synth because of its sequencer even when the synth voices are not “that awsome” is like praising a slow car for its cigarette lighter to me ^^

…and when that SKINNY/RUNT bass style kicks in next year? …and all you have is DEEP/PHAT oscillators?? what then? hmmmmm