AKAI Force

You can place the playhead whereever you want and listen from there. You can even move the playhead while playing

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sick, that feature alone is enough reason for me to switch from the Live to the Force.

Move the playhead and press shift+play

If itā€™s an audio track, then yes.
If itā€™s a long sample in a drum track, triggered by MIDI, then no. Of course any MIDI events after the playhead will play, once the playhead reaches them.


thanks for the clarification, so it works the same way as Live then. I guess we wonā€™t have that function until disk streaming is implemented. despite this, the arrangement in the Force does look a lot more fully featured when compared to the Live though.

The renaming of q-links alone is just awesome. And then adding more parameters to one knob.

I managed something very cool by mistake. I have a template with tracks for my synths. So i started adding macroā€™s for controlling filter, resonance and such for my Peak. But by mistake i had it recieve and send midi via usb. Thus creating a midi feedback loop. And now if i turn a knob on the Peak, the q-link displays follows the knobs on the Peak. Its like magic! hehe.

The new midi setup made it very easy to record automation to a clip. With usb midi you always have a potential for 2 way communication. So much easier to just press record, and tweak the knobs on the synth, in stead of finding the cc values and drawing them in.

what warp settings?

In the sampler page of a drum track you can turn on warp per pad, fiddle around a bit with the bpm of the sample and in theory they wonā€™t just speed up/down but warp. Not perfect but can work really nicely


Can it be host for an audio interface? IĀ“m guessing if it could fit in a 3 Elektron boxes setupā€¦

No, Akai patched that out. The underlying Linux supports some class-compliant interfaces. I believe itā€™s the #1 fetaure request.

Now it should be possible to record 2 audio tracks, say guitar and vocals, at once. Has anyone tried? Iā€™d be really interested in laying down vocal tracks with accompaniment. But it seems you can only record into clips and not straight to the arranger?

Sorry not tried this but canā€™t you record directly to an audio track?

Looks like Akai is going after Roland with a new 404:

ā€œError 404 - The features you were looking for cannot be found"


Error 405 = Method not allowed.

i.e. not allowed to stream from disk.

Iā€™m really interested in this thing, but the size of it is kind of a turn off. Looks complicated.

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Iā€™ve found it more complicated than my previous Mpc Live and One. But I also find it more inspirational to learn on and use, and a much more versatile and exciting instrument overall. I do wish it had a tilt screen and thatā€™s my only issue with the ergonomics. Itā€™s fine on a tilted stand though.

For the 1st time in 25 years I can actually see myself performing live with the Force.

if they made a smaller version that was small enough to keep with you in a bag comfortably , something a little larger than the polyend tracker then I would jump on it and Iā€™m hoping they doā€¦ then I wouldnā€™t mind the slightly more than complicated look of it cause Iā€™d spend more time with it and master the workflow fasterā€¦ but in itā€™s current form factor something that huge that Iā€™m not going to move from one place I might as well just stick with my push for the time being until the Force mini comes out

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Apart from a Monologue the Force is the only hardware kit I have now. And because my desk is no longer cluttered with stuff that I was constantly reaching for the overall size isnā€™t an issue to me.


I have a Force, MicroFreak and Model:Cycles and for some odd reason Iā€™m more productive when I only use the Force and the MF recording audio clips and samples to them drop in a drum track.
I love the Cycles by itself but not with the Force.
And I canā€™t get around to use the Force synths, I just donā€™t click with their layout.

But long story short, less stuff on my desk, more productive.


for me itā€™s not the available space itā€™s the size of the instrument, no matter how many things are on my desk I only focus on what Iā€™m using but when I really enjoy using something I like to take it with me everywhere and use it ā€¦ I used to carry a 9 pound laptop and an Roland sp-808 with me when I went out to dinner ā€¦ yeah it was ridiculous but I couldnā€™t stop working on musicā€¦ (have since learned how insensitive it was to my dinner partners and donā€™t do that anymore but still like to have my beat machine right next to me in my bag at all timesā€¦ I feel naked without it