AKAI Force

MPC software doesn’t work with the Force, and to be honest I’m doing most of my mixing in the Force so far - I can already route individual drum pads to buses, and I can use sidechains to/from individual pads etc.


Same here, I got into my flow of doing things and the Force just works for me.
I’d love an explore track function though as I tend to build my drums as construction kits on a single channel

Yeah, usually the only reason I would split them out is to process individually or use sidechains, but that’s all covered in a single track, so no need. I REALLY would love it if there was a way to either have the Force/MPC lineup converge on the MPC software, or for a meaningful ALS export feature, but it’s still not a dealbreaker.

What did they tell you? Still in the 30 day return window?

Doesn’t look inexpensive.

Still exploring Hype’s different forms of synthesis. This time it was FM + the envelope followers.

Envelope Followers: A fun trick borrowed from modular: Audio output from drums, etc > envelope follower > quantizer > oscillator’s pitch/transpose/octave input. A simple melody is never static, as long as the audio source’s volume isn’t static.

In the Force, you can get similar results: Drum beat > envelope follower > Osc1 parameter (octave) in a Hype FM preset like ‘Gentle FM Bells’.

Experiment with the env follower’s Gain, Gate, Hysteresis, Attack and Decay parameters, and the mod destination’s min/max range. Also, to hear Osc1’s pitch change, send another envelope follower or slow triangle LFO into FM Mod + Mod Level (+ Fine Tune for mayhem) in the Hype preset. It’s decent for those modulated (or dissonant) FM sounds over time.

For Hype’s other forms of synthesis, route the env follower(s) to Osc type, Osc Sync type + frequency, wavetable + wt position, formant, PWM, detune, Osc Mix, etc.

Lots of movement available. Hype’s pretty good for a preset synth, been listening to a lot of Cobalt8 demos, some similarities exist.


Does anyone know how to side chain say a kick from Force with an external synth midi sequenced by Force?

If the external synth’s audio output is routed directly into the Force’s inputs:
Insert a Mother Ducker Input module after the kick and insert a Mother Ducker Processor module on the audio track with the incoming audio from the external synth.

If the external synth’s audio output is first sent to an external mixer:
Use an envelope follower on MIDI CC7 (Volume).

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First i got it.
On 2nd option I still use the Mother Ducker?

Only if you want all of the audio from your mixer to be ducked.

Though it’s easiest to record each synth onto its own audio track in the Force, then add the Mother Ducker later when mixing your song. Sidechain compression is easier to setup and should sound better than routing an env follower to a MIDI CC.


Yes, and anyways I don t have midi ccs on my analog hear, except pitch…

Still haven’t heard back. And I bought it used, so not withtin the 30 day return window. :frowning: I think I just need to pay whatever it costs to repair it - and by the looks of things, it’s not going to get cheap, as you say. Damnit. Oh, well. Shit happens. :frowning:

Ah, that stinks man.
Good luck, and please let us know how it goes with Akai support.
Hopefully it’s just a blown cap, had that happen plenty of times when reversing the power cables on Eurorack modules. Replacing the caps on power supplies wasn’t too difficult.

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Will do. Still haven’t heard from them. Hoping for the best. :slight_smile:

Still mulling a Force for clip launching. I’m also wondering how well my current MPC Live would complement it?

This would be purely for live work.

Anyone using both MPC and Force together?

Force users with MPC Live experience :+1:t4: Quick question about warping loops.

On the MPC Live, when I warp a loop and change the tempo, the loops don’t cycle right and I get a slight double hit at the end/beginning of the loop. It’s a bug. Just Google MPC Live warp loop bug.

Curious if on the Force, the same bug exists. Do loops cycle smoothly? Or, do you need to timestretch your loops offline? Which I’m ok with.


Edit: I have a second question. Can projects on the Force be transferred to the MPC Live and vice versa?

I love my MPC Live cause it portable, no battery. I take it out of my main music making place all the time. I’d like to keep doing that but then drop my ideas into something like the Force to jam.

I can answer the second question, no carrying over of projects.

For the first one, looping glitch, I think I’ve seen some complaints about it not being great and suggestion of using the offline mode.

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realtime warp
offline warp better quality
and don’t forget to give patch phrase a try to see if it works out for you

Worried about the audio/RAM limit. If you load a sample-heavy patch as in one sample per note… Do all the samples count towards the RAM limit?. Might be a stupid question. So you have 80 samples in a patch but only play a single “c#” note. Is it one sample or 80 eating up the available Ram?. My guess is that it’d be the 80 samples since it needs to have them “ready” in advance, sort of like the Digitakt pool. In that case I can clearly see a problem with the audio limit.

Samples must be loaded into RAM, and there’s <1gb available. There’s no disk-streaming.

So if you load a sampler patch (sorry if I’m getting the naming wrong but you know what I mean :grimacing:) with 60 samples it will take up 6 times more ram than the same patch with just 10 samples. Right?.
I bought the Sampkes From Mars library and their patches are very detailed, so I made smaller versions (just the C octave samples) to use in the iPad for storage problems. I’m guessing it’d be a valid approach to save on ram on the Force at the expense of loosing realism and detail…
BTW Is that easy to do on the Force?. Minimizing the samples in a patch/instrumen?