AKAI Force

People dont understand that features might be dropped from a beta because of unexpected issues with bugs. And will just end up with creating more dissapointment than joy. Even if Akai delivered all but one feature, someone would complain vocally that the dropped feature was the most important thing in the world, and that they are boycotting everything from Akai from now on. hehe

If the rumors are true, it seems that they are working on a huge update!


If this is true with the update - well then ā€¦

i always wondered how much the underlying hw-platform is capable of (display, audio interface at last withe the Live, all the that editing during running and so on)

without warp marker technology and the ability to edit them with the knobs Iā€™ll remain atop this cold lonely fence

Iā€™d upvote those features in preference to disk streaming (with the idea that they might end up on the Live) if my opinion mattered at all : )

I want to use the melodic step sequencer like the one on the Octatrack, where u choose the step and press a noteā€¦ any ideas?

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Hi guys! I ll try to be short.

Part1. : I used along the years many sequencers, software and hardware, just like most of u I think. Finally I arrived at Force, which I must say it has a lot of what I dreamt in the past with the Roland MC series and later with the MV8800ā€¦

Part 2. : Even though Force gives me what I thought I need, the old Octatrack it shows me that with it I can do things faster, and the crazy thing (for me at least), strangely, what I do with it fits better with the rest ā€¦(I mean samples with the outboard gear parts).

Pard3.: Ok, my point is that I set up everything (hardware synths, mixers, pedalsā€¦) around the Force, just to find out Octatrack does it better and faster.
So my question is: What ideas do u have about integrating the two in a nice together set-up?

Thanks for ur patience!!

yes Iā€™d love an input mode like this to be added to the note grid. Along with something simple like making a midi keypress act the same as a pad press for the ā€˜pad selects all eventsā€™ etc.

though should note, Iā€™m speaking from MPC Live perspective here - assuming thereā€™s common ground between the Akai devices here

does the Force have sample freezing?

What do you mean with Freezing? You can record to clip. And you have some kind of flatten to pad option.

yeah the flatten to pad featureā€¦ stack fx, layer, flatten

force have any additional layers?

Yes, thereā€™s a flatten button that resamples the current pad to a new sample and automatically cleans the pad settings and effects. You can add a tail too. Quite handy.

If you need to resample multiple pads at a time you use the sampler instead.

but how many layers?

Each drum or keygroup can layer 4 samples on each key/pad. Each can have up to 4 insert effects.

yeah thatā€™s a monster, Iā€™ve gotta keep refreshing my memory until they make a Mini versionā€¦ what an production piece though!

I really dont see how well a mini version would work. The size is part of what makes it work. At least for me. :slight_smile:

As a production centerpiece it is awesome.

An Ableton push on the desk is the perfect size, but for when youā€™re on the move something between the size of the polyend tracker and A launchpad mk3 would be ideal, you wouldnā€™t be able to flex as much as on an regular Force I know ā€¦ but for sketching/ with the forceā€™s features you could take it Farā€¦
the mpc live /push Frankenstein vibe is just something Iā€™m not feeling, even if they make a mk2 at regular size I think they could do a lot better than that, imho it just looks like an MPC Live user and a force user ran into each other when they werenā€™t looking where they were goingā€¦ I think Akai the makers of the push 1 and the MPX 16 can do better

Can Force directly import midi files made in a daw?

Not yet, no, but itā€™s rumoured to be coming in a future update. There are at least two ways to work around. There is a converter that will turn MIDI files into .mpcpattern files but Iā€™ve not tried that. If you have Ableton then you can import an Ableton project including MIDI (this also works with Ableton format projects exported from Korg Gadget).

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Funk Avy shows Forceā€™s Ableton Live Control Mode.
Anyone know what version of Live heā€™s running?

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Specifically what heā€™s using, no, but Live control should work on Ableton 10.1 or newer.

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