AKAI Force

I checked Google, and I’m not sure if it’s a bug or the typical click caused by DC-offset when the loop-end & loop-start don’t match at the sample level. Stereo samples can make the clicks sound louder (because there’s 2 waveforms), as will loud transients near the loop-end & loop-start. And realtime time-stretching just compounds the issue.

Force doesn’t automatically add micro-fade-ins & micro-fade-outs like most DAWs, but you can apply the micro-fades (in the Sample Edit or Clip Edit) or find the zero-crossings and fix the DC-offset issue manually.

Are you using the Pro Ten or Basic realtime time-stretching algo?
The offline Elastique Pro sounds better, in most cases, but I only use it at the end of the composition stage.


The Force effects so uninspiring and so characterless… any advice of which are better and how to make better use of them?

( Let s take OT… few and old effects, but I get faster nice character in processing stuff on the machine… as Force has many and newer effects, but somehow I don t get to the sound I want… any constructive advices in this direction?)

Yeah. Force’s effect reminds me of the typical plugins included in daws back in the day.

One tip is to stack effects. I made some fun delays by having the delay last in the effect return. And having a slow flanger acting as a “pitch changing device”, then into the “lofi” effect and making it a bit more crunchy. Then into the delay. Since it was only the wet signal before the delay i could go pretty far with the effects without it sounding bad. Gave a nice edge to the delay.

Same thing can be done with other stuff as well.

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Map some values to a macro, automate and resample.

I was very underwhelmed by the effects, now I’m quite happy with them, even though the reverb needs some patience to get something nice.

And for some reason I feel like all the Force effects work much better in small doses, I’m a huge fan of distortions and of the air lo-fi (don’t remember the name) but I have to dial the down a lot more than I normally would.
Also another great feature I often forget, the ‘other’ stepsequencer accessible from the menu only, it is great to add movement to effects.


Really? Might have a listen again. But I especially didn’t like the OT lofi, too brittle, needs an extra filter after it and then your 2 slots are occupied. The delays, well, did not strike me es especially outstanding good either. But useable.

Since we’re talking about the Force - does it still click when recording live loops or have they fixed it so that it finds zero crossings on its own?

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I like modulating the stranger FX using the step sequencer, like the Diffuser Delay, Non-Linear Reverb, Frequency Shifter, Lo-Fi, Talk Box…there’s 87 FX in there! Plus all of the factory FX racks.

Not in 3.06. Maybe 3.07 fixes it?

i had the force for 2 years and am more than disappointed, felt rather cheated. what kind of sampler is that which cannot be sampled as a midi slave? without telling nonsense, if you send a midi clock to the force and then want to record loops in the session view or in the looper, the recording always breaks off. We’re not talking about the bugs that come with every new update. akai force, the nonsensical daw sampler replacement. then got an ot mk2 again and am happy. never again akai …

AFAIK Ableton is no easy slave either. Isn’t the Force meant to be the sync master that sequences external gear and then you record those loops?

Yup, Force is horrendous as a sync slave (or sync follower, is that the correct terminology we’re supposed to use nowadays?) like every DAW I’ve used on Windows (several even removed the option to slave/follow).

I would’ve been pretty upset about that a few years ago.

That’s right, but I didn’t want the Force to be the master over the midi clock. was annoyed anyway …

Force definately has some annoying issues like not being able to sample while slaved. I can kind of understand that sampling to clip would need some timing information while sampling. But you cant even go into the sample menu and sample manually.

But found a workaround for me that i can live with. But it is a bit annoying.

The clicks i get when sampling to clips isnt that big of a deal for me. I get them sometimes. But easily fixed. I just sample to clips while producing, so the extra time isnt a problem. Can se that it would be a bigger issue if you sample to clips in the middle of a performance though.

Can I ask what your workaround is?

I use Cubase as my Daw, and sync Cubase to the Force via Midi Timecode. The downside is that the Force then cant send midi clock to other gear. But i use my Expert Sleepers Usamo to send midi clock to external sequencers. That gave me some issues, but now use an Blokas Midihub as midi interface on my Force, and have set up a merge so midi clock from my Usamo is merged with the midi i send from my Force.

The upside is that i have a very tight and good sync.


Thanks @thomaso. That gives me some ideas.

I need to get a Blokas (or BomeBox). But will wait a little longer to see what iConnectivity does.

It’s interesting how different people have completely different opinions of the same gear, I had the OT for a couple of years and never gelled with it, only managed to finish 1 track on it. The Force on the other hand is my go to place for pretty much anything. Once I stumble upon a nice sound or loop or my other gear, the Force is turned on. But I never used it as a slave, just master so what is a deal breaker for you doesn’t even register for me. I’m not having a dig at you, just pointless forum pondering.


For anyone owning a Volca Kick. Is it redundant after the implementation of the Force Drum machine plug-in? Thanks!

Is it possible to record playing with the clips on matrix view to the arrangement?

Yes. That is possible.

I don’t use the internal synth much but the kicks are quite good, add effects, resample and boom!

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Anyone using Virus Ti kbd to midi control Force?
There are happening strange issues with these 2 even though I set up all good. They come back to normal only if I unplug Virus from the mains… :frowning:
Any help greatly appreciated!