Akai Rumours

Akai’s own customer engagement manager, “Dan”, talked about MPC 3.0 himself YEARS ago, suggesting that it would bring together Force and MPC functionality and a bunch of other stuff…I know cause I’ve been waiting for that for YEARS :joy:

Also, don’t be surprised if you still can’t reorder FX in version 5.0, Akai has a tendency to do stuff like that and keep it like that. Anyone who knows the MPC1000 without JJOS, will know plenty of these little WTFs (same goes for Ren, Studio etc) :slight_smile:

Now that you mention it, I’ve been expecting that merge of mpc/force for 3.0 as well, perhaps that old comment from Dan stuck with me :slight_smile: I think it will be cool, if it comes soon or in a couple of years, no rush for me though I’m enjoying the ride, still have features to explore.

Haha I can imagine!


didn’t Akai implement both Ableton export AND import on the Force, who else has done that?

jedi knights?


I don’t even have a force :frowning: yet, still hoping for a Force mini but whether you’re talking about the Force or the MPC the Pros almost dwarf the cons in my opinion…
of course these things are subjective but when you stop using an instrument that 80% of what it does isn’t available on another platform then what do you use instead…?

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I don’t have any jokes that combat hard truths. I’ll look into it and get back to you.



per pad sample freeze
next sequence
track explode
actual looper
midi skipback
audio tracks
midi track merge
pad link
multiple time signatures and tempos
recordable mutes wtf
step sequencer huh
step parameter automation … what

haha and you left because it didn’t have the library tagging of a maschine?
to each their own

I get it the digitakt is god but the mpc is a helluva angel jeebus!!

and I didn’t even mention the best sample slicing and editing period.

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Speaking for myself: yeah, probably.

Not that I was invested in the akai announcement- and yet, im still bored by it


You should be thanking Akai for curing your insomnia! Positive Positive!


It was like the recent input-less mixer craze. Seemed like everyone put out a video about “turning your mixer into a synth!” nonsense. One after the other, all following suite, making the same content, some of them even getting the exact same mixers. It’s getting to be a never ending circle of leeches just doing what ever one of the others does, and quite a few of them have turned into never ending pledge drives.


I see this kind of stuff all the time. It’s like they don’t decide on the content, the algorithm decides:


Dude, charge your phone!


the secret is 6 hour tapes have the most leprechauns to fairies ratio, well known fact.


That is the charge level it is always at lol!


No bro, it’s all about using Betamax tapes.

HB living on the edge over there.



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tell me you don’t see this imaginary counterfeit patch cable running directly into the cassette, no wonder it sounds lofi


Bro, the tape isn’t even plugged in. Fraud alert!

To be perfectly honest, I’m amazed these people are able to be so active making and editing videos. Do they not have kids/family? Perhaps I’m just super jelly that they get free shit, and get to dick around with synths all day.


You better believe it!

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They both collaborated on making a samples instrument, running the samples thru VHS tapes, and both did a video explaining the process. No algorithmic shenanigans, just two creators giving their views of the process.