Akai Rumours

Some of it is based on previously watched channels/content. You can click not interested or don’t recommend channel and it will do a fairly good job of cleaning that out in my experience.


Dude’s got no battery life! He can’t be clicking all willy-nilly like that!


If you have any jokes that combat half-hard truths, please post them over in the general memes thread. I’ve been looking…

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If I tell that joke it’s all over. Lets talk about the MPC bible before a little blue riot breaks out.


Praise be the MPC Bible! 900 pages of very hard truths.


I don’t have an MPC anymore but I still read the MPC Bible every night before bed.


hallelujah praise JJOS the lord knoweth his name!


Wish JJOS could save me from these insufferable Roland GUIs. 90s especially.


I give my hair a paint shop since 2017. It works!

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Does anyone use the iPad with iMPC pro 2, does it really lack usefulness compared to the HW MPC, other than physical connections of course?

Thumbnail wanker



Fortunately there is an educational program for confused people.


As this is an establishment of class and impeccable character, I will refrain from verbalising that which I wank.


lol, come here timmy… would you like to hear the story about the great thumbnail wars of 2023 again? ok ok

Well once upon a time in first world land there was an outrage shortage :smile:,

if I was the head honcho at akai I would make a rule that employees would not be allowed to read any akai threads without an accompanying cup of coffee and a donut…

I think this video is proof that the mpc is obsolete, passe, its over people

uh oh wait it’s still not over yet


I forgot about the Black Lion Convertor mods. When I get my retro X I’ll upgrade to that too.

do the black lion converters sound better than your audio interface?
I’ve contemplated them before but never pulled the trigger

Now I remember why I didn’t do the upgrade…

  1. If you’re tracking your samples into an interface built in the last 8 years it should be more than enough for getting good fidelity from your sample rips.
  2. James Wiltshire of F9 audio puts his audio samples in the MPC X and tracks it into his interface without post processing. He loves it stock DA from the X into his interface.

If you want the polished sound it will probably sound closer to what the SP-16 was. But that’s 800 + 100 for shipping. Yea that’s a little painful on the wallet.

I did hear that their universal audio upgrades do make it sound very next gen like a Lynx Audio sound. But if you can afford Universal Audio and the Upgrade you can afford a Lynx audio interface