Akai Rumours

All I can tell you is, it’s beige.

To be fair to Akai, I don’t really mind all this. Even at the full RRP I think an interesting delay is a better investment than a couple of sample packs, and there are enough decent stock delays on the MPC, and other FX to treat them with, that it’s hard to complain about them charging for a new one. But don’t push it.

I was just thinking yesterday how shit the built in MPC delays are, especially as I like to dub out my tracks. Lo and behold I saw this today and bought for £40.
In classic akai style the web shop sent me in a doom loop of sending me an email to connect it to the inmusic shop, and then back again.
Also, it doesn’t show on my registered products, so my money has disappeared into (akai’s) black hole.
I remember now why I swore never to buy Akai plug-ins again, as I remember having the same issues when I bought OP4 or whatever it’s called. I don’t even like the sound of it.
Rant over

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100% :slight_smile: Going to demo this, look at cpu usage etc, and most likely get it at a sale, same if they build a hi-fi reverb. The stock reverb and delay isn’t the MPCs strongest point imo

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Its possible we’ll get some free new stock plugins at some point too. This Delay PRO was already built into the OS since 2.11.7 along with 2 or 3 others, can’t remember exactly but they don’t all have the PRO tag in their name. That is if you go under the assumption that ‘paid for’ effects have the PRO tag in their name. I’m pretty sure there was a new filter too but can’t remember if it was PRO or not. They’re already there baked into the OS but not unlocked yet (until this first one today).

I don’t mind the stock delays at all, though I’ve probably been whatever the opposite of spoiled is by the frustratingly well-behaved delays Roland put in the 707 and 8S. Macros on the Force help a lot, too - pad pressure to feedback with a filter over the top will never get old.

I guess I’ve been spoilt with my timefactor and fabfilter timeless. I really like the elektron delays as well


This new delay is a freaking beast!! I absolutely love it!! Honestly the best delay I have that is not a separate effect, and maybe even then.


I tried it out tonight and have got to say I’m a lot more impressed than I thought I was going to be. I was expecting it be pretty usable but still kind of ‘meh’ in comparison to what else I have available – couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s really freakin’ solid! Great sound, easy to tweak and a ton of presets as starting points.

Not going to replace my top 3 plugins or dedicated hardware, but I’ve definitely have to give them props. It’s easily worth the $39 intro price and absolutely makes sense to have it in device.


Air Chorus, Air Delay Pro, Air Multi Tap Delay and Vintage Filter were all hidden in this build



Wow! Now there’s Logic Pro for iPad at £4.99pm…

Akai better do something crazy with 3.0 and make the next MPCs power houses as my 3yo iPad Pro mini is now more powerful than my 5yo MPC live, even with both having my Splice sample pack library and a number of plugins

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“Can your delay plugin do this?” is an interesting question for MPC owners. I mean you tell me, man, you created it. Maybe you should start pointing out what it can’t do on the box.

Early morning spite aside, I do like the look of Auto Clear. It’s all about how much effort I want to put into replicating it with automation.

Watching the video, what I ended up thinking is that this is getting close to a nice modular FX device, a kind of MPC Drambo. A setup like that would make sense on hardware with an open approach to resource use - just keep an eye on your CPU meter and otherwise go nuts. Split stuff like the Odyssey oscillators and the Force’s macro LFOs into building blocks. And when that’s done we’ll talk about plugging in a USB keyboard and mouse and running Pure Data. But one step at a time.

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Does your iPad have any kind of I/O? Does it even have a headphone jack? Can it hold a bluetooth midi connection without having to be manually activated after sleep mode? Can you use basic keyboard shortcuts if you have that connected?

Personally I sometimes like to produce music on the go on my iPhone with something like Ableton Note. But why use an iPad when you can use a laptop? Why go through the hassle :sweat_smile:

An iPad isn’t even comparable to dedicated music production hardware like the MPC or Elektrons imo :slight_smile:


Great shout and completely agree… I’ve only used my MPC live in controller mode a few times and prefer ableton live over their MPC DAW. But I’ve read many times people want 3rd party plug-in support and disk streaming or a better touch screen.

Yeh the iPad is a different beast and bordering a MacBook Air now without the keyboard w M1-2…

Created this forum as I’m excited and nervous to see where Akai takes their products and software w all the other great competition ngl. I may get this delay when on Sale and can see them making a pro 4-8band para EQ filter with visuals

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Yeah the competition is definitely heating up! Good for us:)
Agree a graphic eq would be nice!

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The rockchip is on a core 3288j pcb that attaches to the mainboard with 314 pin connection. Akai is probably using the 8gb version which it doesnt look like you can order yet. But i imagine over time one might be able to hot swap these to “max out” older akai’s.


But E A Ski says it doesn’t hit like it’s supposed to


F B Snowboard says it’s good to go.