Alesis Quadraverb, Midiverb etc

First up: Yeah that’s what I was wondering, but then whilst researching I was currently figuring out that the GT is actually not a QV + the “bad distortion” side, but a QV-Plus + the “bad distortion”. Correct me if I’m wrong, anyone?

Second: Fuck me sideways, I really tend to be an idiot. I just found out that I actually have a Plus-QV!!

Can I swap for another question, that’s potentially a bit less dumb?

What do you people think will happen when I do a factory reset to get the factory presets? Will I lose any “QV-plus” presets? I have no idea what “EPROM” stuff is, so maybe my question is still dumb:)

If you’ve already got a QV plus, a GT gains you nothing worth having.

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Buy it as a backup unit

My QV is kinda messed up, the preset names have letters missing or replaced with weird symbols and it freezes now and then. Would replacing the battery help?

Almost definitely.

Yeah, most likely. I had the same with a Boss SE50.
Only the battery did not have to be replaced but the holder was loose so it did not have contact.

What’s a midiverb III like? There’s a few for sale locally, one for 50 euros, cheap because someone epoxed the power cord permanently in its place.

Internet says it’s not that great, huh

Embarrassed to say it, but I bought a Midiverb2 a couple years ago and never did get around to wiring it into the studio. Should probably do that


The original and the plus overdrive quite nicely, so probably not worth getting the GT unless wanting to use it with guitar.

A factory reset won’t affect the eprom, you’ll still have the plus, just the presets will be restored.

Edit: In any case the presets are mostly shite IMHO, better to program your own.


I picked up a GT last year ago, cheap on gumtree. Didnt realise it was a GT version until it turned up.
I dont use any of the ‘GT’ effects, because they dont sound very good.

The reverb delay and chorus bit is all fine.

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I’ve had a Wedge for years and love it. I don’t have access to a MIDIverb II but I’ve always been interested in comparing the bloom presets in the MVII and Wedge.

The wedge is sort of the black sheep of the 90s Alesis reverbs, in that it’s apparently sort of a hybrid between the MIDIverb and Quadraverb lines. What I’ve heard is that the algorithms fall into the MIDIverb family but the OS comes from the Quadraverb family and in both cases they’re unique variants that don’t really overlap with any other Alesis reverb units (the algorithms may be “final generation MIDIverb” in a sense). There’s mostly vague, conflicting stuff about that online, though, and it would be pretty interesting to compare some of the more unique types of Alesis reverb across the two.

I’m busy all week but I’ll watch this thread, if anyone is game we could choose maybe some drum, synth and DI guitar sounds and then both run them through the factory bloom presets on our respective boxes and post the results?

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I have a II and could do that. Would you be providing the files?

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I could get something together early next week, I’ve got company in from out of town and I’ll have to spend the weekend making up the work I’m putting off while they’re here, but Maybe, like, Tuesday evening I could get some files together. If I haven’t posted anything in here by next Wednesday vening (EST) post a gentle reminder in here.

I don’t expect them to sound that similar but it will still be interesting to hear the comparison.

Here are the uncompressed, 24/48 files.

I didn’t have any drum loops handy and no time to put anything together, but I did some downtuned guitar (direct from the preamp out on a Warmenfat II, just on the edge of breaking up), some Juno 6 arpeggios with and without chorus, and a Kijimi with and without Boss CE-300 chorus. Didn’t really bother matching the levels between the different instruments or anything. If you have any files you feel like uploading I’d be happy to run them throgh the Wedge and post the results.

The way I recorded was instrument to a track with the Wedge inserted on an aux 100% wet. Recorded the dry and aux return separately, then rendered stems of the dry, wet and blended signals. Using the Wedge preset Slow Bloom, everything at its defaults (other than turning on dry defeat). I dropped the level about 4db on the send and return to get the level where it sounded OK - high in the mix but not completely overpowering.

MP3s of the dry and blended versions:



Kijimi (this one’s a bit louder than the other two, watch your ears if you’re on headphones)

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Anyone else’s Quadraverb feedback on startup occasionally?

My quadraverb+ randomly booted with a garbled display one day and has been so ever since :frowning: I managed to get it to boot without garbled display once after booting it with a reset but this didn’t work reliably… Anyone have any experience with this or any clue what the issue is likely to be based on the above? doesn’t seem like it’s the display itself due to it randomly working that time.

Lotsa fun with the MIDI control.


Just remembered I did a Quadra delay trick track myself a while back. :smiley:


Battery for memory maybe…
They, like most 19’’ rack likely have a lithium Battery on the main board and it needs to be changed intermittently. You can buy the batteries from supermarkets…

I have a few bits of 19’’ rack mount kit from the 90s, and all display garbled messages on the LCD when the Battery is going…

Its an easy fix if its the prob…

Also edit…back up presets via midi patch dump or they may get deleted replacing the battery…

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Thanks, I’d read this may be the case and hopefully so, I’m pretty sure I lost all my presets already but I don’t mind as I find the thing somewhat easy to program. Am missing its sound greatly, imo, there’s nothing that sounds quite like it.

I kinda wish I had a GT though, I see others in here saying they don’t bother with the GT effects but my friend has one and doesn’t have the slightest consideration for conventional approaches to things and some of the distorted tones / textures he’s had out that thing make me pretty envious…


I have the same problem, I think it’s the battery yeah.

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