Alternatives to Faderfox

Any thoughts on the usability of the faderfox alternatives? I’m thinking about the N32B, Behringer BCR32 (unreleased of course so hard to say I guess), the Midique KNTRL9 MK2, or even a Launchcontrol XL (through a Midi host)

Is faderfox the king ore are these viable alternatives?

I’m mostly thinking about controlling Elektron gear (OT, A4, AR, AH and DN)

You haven’t said which Faderfox unit… they’re all different.

Generally with midi controllers, they’re all as good as the time you’re willing to put into programming them specifically for your needs.

I have an EC4 that I have a meh/love relationship with.

I also have a Novation LaunchControl XL that gives a huge amount of control and potential control for it’s space and cost… I love that thing. Personally, I’d start there.

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what do you want from the controller?

I use an Electra One ,
since you can create an entirely custom control surface, has touch screen and 12 physical encoders.
(you can use the encoders in ‘groups’ … getting about 36 controls on one screen… but then you can have multiple pages.)

what I like about this is, is I can customise for particular setup/performance - grouping by how I use them, rather than what the physical device is.
e.g. I can put all mute or solos on one page, and faders on another.

also it (unusually) handles bi-directional communication, so you can (e.g.) change something on the E1 or the Octatrack, and E1 UI stays ‘in sync’.

its programmed via a web app, which I like … I find this easier than doing these things on-device.
(though I know many like to do on-device)

however, you may want something with more physical controls.

so really depends on use-case.


can anyone recommend a super simple 4-5 channel fader I could use with my A4/AR setup? Just really nice and simple one , small box with physical faders. thanks

The Korg Nanokontrol 2 is super affordable. The Windows software/drivers to program it though is a bit flakey:

And, like most MIDI controllers, you’ll need a MIDI host to connect it to. You can make your own with a Raspberry Pi:


Highjack the thread why don’t you? :laughing:


There was this thread too, lousy name but similar topic.

I think when behringer releases the new BCR and maybe new BCF they will be unbeatable. I had the first version BCR and it was really good. I think the new one will be better.

Intech’s forthcoming EF4 fader. Nice, small, I use the EN16 (16 encoders) with the Monome’s Norn


I just realised that since I’m getting into eurocrack, it might be nice to have CV.

Any rotary controllers that have CV out as well? Or maybe this would best be achieved just with a midi2cv module and some good Midi Controller.

I replaced my NanoKontrol with a LaunchControl XL a while back for my Octatrack. I found the feel of it to be infinitely better.
I will say that when you start controlling the octa with external controllers, it quickly renders Parts Mode basically useless, which you may or may not care about.

The BCR32 looks so good and the price is so reasonable I could see buying a couple of them… I don’t see how anything can compete really.

Unfortunately no timeframe… and supplies could be constrained at launch.

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You might have to deal with the fact that MIDI has a coarse resolution (only 128 values). In some cases the stepping might be noticeable.

How is that?

The FH-2 Factotum has a smoothing parameter that helps mitigate some of this. Doesn’t eliminate but certainly softens it. Excellent and expandable MIDI-to-CV module (and two CV to MIDI converters as well).

Would you mind elaborating? I’ve had my eye on the EC4 for a while.

In answer to original question, there’s also midi fighter twister. I don’t own one, but have read some positive remarks on here.

Edit: not sure if it will work with Elektron boxes, seems to require computer or USB host.

I guess that might be oversimplifying it, but when I started switching Parts while performing/working on a song, I couldn’t rely on the launchcontrol xl for what it had been controlling (Track volumes, filter settings, fx sends, etc). I guess it all depends how you use Parts, but it quickly got frustrating for me.

uhh no… parts are so import

It seemed hit and miss for me for a long time, I couldn’t get it working at all with my Analog Four mk2, which is what I originally bought it for… I wanted to use it for immediate access to the 4 tracks of the A4, so have one Group on the EC4 set for Filter, Res, Pan and Level x4, then switch to another Group and have AMP ADSR x4, another for Filter ADSR x4, another for FX sends x4. I spent a lot of time trying to configure it on the online EC4 editor and it would just never work for me… I gave up and put it away, really p*ssed off and frustrated by it.

Fast forward 2 months, I was after some hands on control for some VSTi’s in Ableton Live 11, mainly Arturia Pigments. The EC4 has a really small footprint and could fit into a space on my desk, so I tried it again… This time with some success (although adding scripts into Ableton wasn’t straight forward, I had to be pointed to a specific script for my OS and version of Ableton)… being able to name the parameters I’d assigned to the EC4 for Pigments was great, and it has become a positive to me for this alone. I’ve also got into the workflow of it within Ableton now, so I have softsynths and HW synths mapped on it and can jump between them quite seamlessly.

16 sets of 16 groups, so 256 banks of 16 controller knobs (4096 control knobs) goes a long way… and you can back up and have multiple setups. It’s a powerful little unit for sure. When it works.

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