Analog Heat

Ok, but what does a foot controller send on it´s outputs. Isn´t it CV ?


it is, 5v

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The only reason for the long wait/tease was because they couldn’t figure out a good name for this box.


Thank you :slight_smile:
i just found the specs

Control inputs
Input level: -5 V – +5 V
Accepts CV, Expression pedals, Foot switches :sunglasses:


Yikes. Very expensive for what it is.

Very overbridge dependent which is a disaster for many as it stands. I wish Elektron the best but I think we’re looking at their first major dud of a hardware product (besides Overhub).

Hopefully things will be better than first glance suggests and they’ll fix overbridge implementation (AU, Logic…anyone???).

Lastly hopefully this isn’t street price. This really shouldn’t be more than $499, and even then I’m not sure how big the market is for this.

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i’ll have a blast with this thing, probably will slap this between my OT and my audio interface. it IS sort of for the studio guys, but all you need to do to see the value in live use is to look up “dj isolator” and you can find some uses for it i bet as a master bus processor/ master filter during live sets.

had my eye on distressors, elysia karacter, the OTO stuff, tube distortion pedals etc but this is right up my alley.

add 2 channels of CV in, overbridge support and a 2i2 interface and you have a seriously deadly box with full recall, bypass, and 8 different flavours of distortion.

A little expensive yes, but way more flexible than say a strymon or eventide full size pedal with much more customization


One thing I don’t like about these posts is that they’re nonsensical. They already have Overbridge R&D behind them, and this is a hardware product.

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How is this expensive? The rodec restyler was 800 USD at its peak. I actually have a restyler so the heat seems like an evolution from that box


You do realize Overbridge doesn’t work in a meaningful, stable way for a very large percentage of users. Just read the threads on the Overbridge forum.

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Jesus please don’t. I mean, not to rain on A4/K’s parade, but I don’t want to watch the backlash from AR owners light up this board.

Re: foot-input: Oh man it’s a multi-FX analog distortion pedal (see: empress distortion) in disguise. Very nice.

I think this will prove very useful for future Elektronauts :slight_smile: Let us all welcome our instrumental brethren!

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If it could be used as a looper, I might be interested. My Kaoss Pad 3 is broken…
but I am afraid that is not possible, what you think?

I think it comes down to the quality/character of the distortions/filter. I wouldn’t place much value on either of these in my AK. But if they’ve upped their game here and the distortions are varied and of equal quality/depth to other ‘single distortion’ boxes then it could actually be a bargain, like 8 different nice distortion boxes + multi filter etc + interface for £680. All depends on the quality… Need some decent videos to get a better picture.



Excellent box. Programmable and store-able patches in the form of an ANALOG Stereo Filter/Distortion/LFO/EQ and ability to use the box as a full blown VST processor which is true ANALOG. Yet it seems quite a few of you complain… I get that musos often expect everything in a new box for under a buck but I suggest a bit of logic is required. A few years ago to buy such a box would have cost well over 2k. The bottom line is there is nothing out there in this price range that can touch this box. Listen to how it sounds - its excellent - its analog - it has QUAN :sunglasses:.


It’s the other way around. Overbridge works and is stable for most people. The last percentages is what is taking time. There are some really strange setups and driver conflicts out there.

More work is needed on the AU and Logic for sure.


Honestly if the quality is good, this could put some serious heat on, as @tsutek said in another post, the Thermionic Culture Vulture of all things. And that beast is $2.4k

For what it is (even if satura/distortion isn’t your thing), it’s a job very well done.


Yep! OB has been a dud for me since day one. Ive lost work because it bugged out in Logic X and Would hard crash it to the point I had to go to a older backup.

I’m amazed they would realease another unit for it withiut first hammering most of the issues in OB.

donato -You do realize Overbridge doesn’t work in a meaningful, stable way for a
very large percentage of users. Just read the threads on the Overbridge

I would suggest some users seem to go out of their way to make sure they have problems because they don’t want to be associated with computers so they seem to have an agenda. One user complained he has lots of issues then he slots in hes using a 10 year old mac…ahem… I have had no issues to speak of with overbridge and Ive used it extensively everyday since the beta versions. Even just using it to achieve sample accurate sync is worth its weight in gold.


I had all sorts of issues with OB until I switched to Ableton Live. With Live, it works very well for me.

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Where’s the data to support this? What percentage of Logic users are satisfied? Most seem to have just given up on it ever working. I have found one online that is using it in the same capacity as Live (taking advantage of USB audio separate tracks with no aggregate device), but the Overbridge forum is filled with Logic complaints. Furthermore, a video of how to properly set up Overbridge with Logic using individual tracks is long overdue and needed. At the very least some detailed instructions would be helpful. It seems AU/Logic support has long been an afterthought/ignored.

This type of thing is right up my alley; I would be much more excited if there were transformers or tubes used somehow. I would also have liked 4 channels (at the expense of less distortion/drive options perhaps?).

I can see this thing as being extra special if Elektron develop a slick Ipad app for it to turn it into a mini DAW/Groovebox rig or something.

I would have also really liked to see maybe a flanger (because distortion after a flanger sounds awesome) that could be used as a comb filter. That would also turn this thing into a cool synth.