Analog Heat

always wanted a moonwind… i wonder how sweet the resonance sounds on this thing

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Since I’ll have to make room for a pair of inputs on my Qu-Pac for this, the weakest link, my Roland TM-2 will have to go.
But this also opens up my A4’s CV track to send some volts into the Analog Heat’s CV inputs.


Logic and AU needs more work for sure. It has not been ignored but has been tricky from the start. It will eventually catch up with the VST and Ableton.


I agree, it was a naively optimistic appeal to limit the inevitable noise of disappointment, but, again, it’s not the critiquing I was highlighting it was the manner of critiquing (and perhaps the timing) - it was also the wrong post to single out tbh

You get no argument from me that this is very spendy and a somewhat odd product anyway; surely anyone spending that much would already have a good soundcard, so we’re really talking about the added value being that it’s got overbridge integration (which if you read the various threads is quite a problematic area for universal usability - OB doesn’t fly for me (edit: 1.10.1 fixes a major break to vst, but not all, it does at least work again :okej:) and everything on the computer side always tends towards buzzkill)

It sounds really great though and no doubt has some special Elektron quirks to really make it flexible … it has product 1 of n written all over it imho

I’m hoping the now broader requirement to get overbridge robust will see the working-for-me user base grow somewhat - i’d like to get more mileage from it without turning to Ableton and later OSs - at least with this thing you’d imagine the OS side of the device should be very simple by comparison to the sequencer boxes, it bodes well that they may not spend the next year bottoming out software solely on this new product


Now I’m wondering how my Sidstation will sound with some AH. :thinking:


Honestly if the quality is good, this could put some serious heat on, as @tsutek said in another post, the Thermionic Culture Vulture of all things. And that beast is $2.4k

For what it is (even if satura/distortion isn’t your thing), it’s a job very well done.

I used to own a Culture Vulture and tried for months and months to get anything meaningful from it. It was a very unsatisfying experience to say the least. Didnt gel well with my synths at all. Worked good on real bass guitar. This Elektron box I can safely say literally blows the CV out of the water in every dept. The Elketron box is very musical - something I couldn’t achieve from the culture vulture.
Quality of the Elektron box is excellent and musical. Check out the interactive demo., This thing oozes character and vibe and in a musical way. People wont be dissapointed. They will be if they expect it to write amazing songs for them :slight_smile:


Filthy. The answer is filthy.


That is bold claim, one I am excited to find out for myself…and one from which my wallet cowers in fear.

Now Elektron - if you could do me a favor and build that analog compressor you have in the Rythm as a stand alone unit. Ill pay $500 easily for it. That compressor is excellent - one of the biggest unknown secrets around (vibe and character secret). Give it a little more headroom, auto gain structure and a few enhancements here and there and the thing will sell by the truck load :slight_smile:

My order will be in for ‘Heat’ asap


That is bold claim, one I am excited to find out for myself…and one from which my wallet cowers in fear.

Haha, yeah I hear ya. For proof download the demo of SoundToys decapitator and you have a pretty close emulation of the Culture Vulture. Maybe some will enjoy is hard mid rangey (not warm) sound. I didn’t. I’m in no doubt the Elektron one would see far more use from musician types. That box will fit in to the Elektron sound like a glove - guaranteed. Its musical, it has the vibe and that’s what really matters in my opinion.

Adam Jay knows what I’m talking about, right Adam? :wink:

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If you’re in the market for a small soundcard, why buy something boring when you can get this? That’s why I think this is a good idea.


HOLY SHNAKLES it’s 749$? Dayum…that’s like 15,000 mexican pesos. I gotta move out this place.

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Yeah I have it. I enjoy it. The Klanghelm SDRR too. Though I have yet to hear a digital anything produce the crispy, 3D highs that my RAT or driven ART Tube preamp can manage.

Bring on the Heat!

All of a sudden, I have to own this.

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US prices are before tax (VAT) + taxes are a lot lower than Europe sales tax. If you’re a business it’s about the same excluding tax.

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I was close.



It seems like a neat versatile effects box. Not something I need, but I can see it being used on DJ sets, live bands, and dance or noise artists. Not to mention it’s a soundcard.

I would only wish it had some delay or reverb on the end, or some multi effect routing like a DP4. Maybe that’s for the Analog Chill.
They are going to get some high volume sales out of this.

Could we start the teasing of the future boxes right now please Elektron, cause i feel a big void inside of me now that I know what’s going on :wink:


I really hope they have some more going on. YAWN

This thing excels at processing drums imo. That saturation setting with the Acoustic drums loop is what sold me on this unit.