Analog Heat

Thinking it over, it’s not a bad idea. Perfect expansion of overbridge, really. Keeps them with plenty of new things to make. And it acts as effects units that are also plug ins. Just this particular effect I don’t have any use for and I haven’t jumped on the OB yet

If this would accept an instrument, that’s EDIT: a ton of things a guitarist needs right there in that box…

Anyone from Elektron want to confirm whether one could switch to instrument level a la the big players Eventide/Strymon?


Nice and the AH seems logical from Overbridge, but i am not in the market for the AH.

However, if i still had the Octatrack i might consider the AH for some analog dirt.

I’ve been wanting some nice analog distortion in my setup for a while but the price of this just makes me regret that I missed out on getting an end of run MonoMachine even more.

I trust it’ll be quite lovely but for £679 I’m not very tempted.


Yea would be interesting to know.

Just reminded me Im suppose go see some doom/drone bands with a mate next week . totally forgot about that .cheers

Not for me at such price - And I’m not excited with the idea either like I am with every other Elektron machine. Comeon Elektron, OT mkII :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes very interesting they chose to call the inputs LR instead of 1 & 2. Beat box teasing also would have suggested an XLR or Mic line?


One thing that i dont like that these kind of products force Elektron to put focus, energy and time on Overbridge instead of hardware.


I honestly thought this was going to be a Digitally controlled analogue mixer of some kind. Looks nicely built and it sounds alright. Honestly don’t think I’m going to buy this myself. It is a bit pricey.

Now if they have a whole line of these planned for the future… Analogue Delay, Reverb etc. then maybe I could be tempted.

It’s interesting that Elektron seem to be moving from the “I don’t even use a computer” end of the market to kings of hardware/DAW hybrids.

Actually very interested in this one the more I think about it, out of laziness more than anything else - it’s not like I don’t process soft synths through my Sub 37, A4, Rytm, etc … but somehow the convenience of dropping in a plugin for this purpose rather than having to set up my patch cables, each time etc., etc.

And y’all said Overbridge was a waste of time/resources … this will potentially be the third Elektron box I’ve bought primarily based on OB integration.

This makes no sense. Overbridge depends on the hardware, it’s not an either/or - as we’ve seen with the sequencer and Rytm analogue engine firmware updates in the past year or so, together with a pretty stable version of OB (for me at least)


I imagine that’s the way it’s gonna go.

They’ve worked on Overbridge so now they can do this “Analog Plugin” thing.
Interested to see how it goes…I’d probably be much more of a sucker for this stuff if you could sequence/plock. That way you’d really be able to use the effect as another instrument rather than as an…erm…effect.

I’m sure there’s some people whose projects are based around distorted textures will find this thing a Godsend.

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Saw Sunn o))) couple weeks back. Good stuff.

I suppose we just see things very differently, which is fine.

What you are saying would, to my mind, be a valid approach to dealing with children. I don’t expect adults, when talking about boutique electronic music equipment to need their feelings protected.

Frankly, I think this is a very disappointing reveal from Elektron, and it seems a few others feel similarly.

£700 for some distortion/EQ? Couldn’t even have thrown a bunch of reverbs/delays in there?

But I am, genuinely, very pleased for anyone who is excited by this, because that’s a nice feeling, and something to look forward to.


Right? Violin too, if I’m not mistaken.


Yeah, feels like a sideways step in the grand scheme of things and for non-OB users there doesn’t really seem to be too much draw considering the price (obviously depends on the actual sound of it, it could be incredible… Need some videos.).

Guessing they have also some other new boxes in the works tho…

Shame they didn’t go full on with this and make it a total analog/tape/vinyl/tube/bit-crusher box…

Wow and flutter, crazy warping options like Chase Bliss pedals, various distortions (analog AND digital), different tape models (cassette, broke cassette, cheap reel to reel, pro studio tape), vinyl sim/lo-fi compression etc… They could have made it way more interesting as far as being a ‘character box’. Seems kinda half-hearted/safe on first glance. Like it doesn’t seem deep/varied enough within each element/distortion type etc to really replace other pedals etc and I’d have to get in addition. Which is a shame…and takes up space/money :confused:

Hard to say tho without more info. Could be tons of depth under the hood. And either way it looks like a cool ‘general character’ box tho for anyone that doesn’t have much in that area already.

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Right? Violin too, if I’m not mistaken.

thats what im getting at, what is the live instruments thing about

unless this has an easter egg like the gig in the A4 and its actually a different unit in disguise

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Listen, you’re starting to compress history. Instead, I’m gonna need you to distort it :wink:


The Audio demos are great, crispy,clear.

So, can we control / sequence the AH with our A4´s CV-Out? That would be awesome.
There is a control - In on the AH.

I think it would be nice if it would act as a CV-to-MIDI converter and let us midi sequence other gear with our A4/AK:s :slight_smile:


no… these seems to be two inserts for foot controlers (such as sustain, volume or in general for foot controlled parameters)… so the idea seems to be to use it with a guitar, string, brass or similar… :-))
i love foot controllers… keeps your hands free :slight_smile: