Analog Heat

I’m interested. One thing that always got me was the difference in sound when I use my AR+A4 as standalone (big fat beefy analog sound) vs plugging them into my OT and getting that kinda flat slightly compressed analog to digital sound. I loved my OT until I got a Rytm and noticed how much warmer my samples could sound. This AH could be the key to making the OT sound just as huge, if not huge-er than the AR. Regardless it would take the dark trinity to a new level. I’m not an overbridge user but i might be converted if I get an AH. Hmmmm Dataline should get over to Nick Batt at SonicLab and demo the fuck outta this thing before Christmas rolls around.

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You could easily connect a MIDI footswitch array (behringer etc have those for cheap) for that.

But as for reaching new audiences - the pricepoint doesn’t seem too tempting for people new to elektron IMHO. It smells abit “greedy” if one is used to the general pricing of things available.

You are, but have a bit of decency - and does it really help the discussion to merely say you don’t like something with no more insight - it’s just about timing - I did suggest a moaning thread could be started, it’s not about censorship it’s about having a bit of respect for these guys who’ve worked their socks off - plus a polarising thread that descends into moaning always ends in tears for the mods

express your opinions, but have some perspective, remember other people will be excited, no need to dampen that mood so eagerly

There is no doubt that criticism/feedback is a good thing, it should be used constructively and with some perspective - as I said ‘raining on the parade’ it’s just about timing and decency - saying “it’s not for me, thanks I can now safely spend my cash on company X’s product” is churlish and rather entitled imho

I also stated I was speaking not as a moderator, but as a part of the community :thup:


Agree! I do love you Elektron, the AH sounds fabulous, but this price is too much… As a musician/consumer, I research (A LOT - because my money is hardly earned) before making an investment like this…

Ever since I let go of my pair of MAM Warp-9 filters 14 years ago, I’ve wanted a solid desktop stereo analog multi-mode filter with some edge.
This looks like it has nothing but edge!


i would imagine that rev/delay will be their next box

Interested to hear detailed demos of the 8 distortion types and the filter and see what tricks are under the hood. Think my initial feelings of being a little underwhelmed will probably eventually turn to damn, wish I had some money for this…’

For anyone without a lot of fx boxes/pedals it could be a no-brainer even at this price if all the elements sound great.

I thought the online demo was an excellent idea too - not sure why more manufacturers don’t do that either as it gave a nice sense of what the device is capable of.


True on the MIDI switch.

I think if people were to take into consideration how many different ways you can use this thing, and if they’re all done well, I would not go so far to say the price is flat out unreasonable. I agree with the others that a couple extra FX would make this fantastic. I think it would require a very radical instrumentalist to take a good look at it and make good use of it. I mean, on the interactive they put a double bass as a sound option. I loooove the idea of distorted stringed instruments, but not seeing too many of those around (well, not where I live, anyway. Is this a thing in Sweden?)

It’ll be interesting.

It would have been nice if there was clear indication if what the big wheel is doing though. The description texts make it sound as though the big wheel also dials in filter + eq tricks on the output, not just the dist model.

that should have been built in the OT (mk2?)

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With all due respect, the original comment in question didn’t seem to have any salt in it. It appeared to be a positive in tone expression of something that was on a lot of the communities minds(myself included).

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Yea totally good point.

Maybe some good marketing and some package deals (pedal + analogue heat) from guitar-specific retailers might help alleviate this and sell some units !

Call me crazy, but some filters (cutoff, resonance, etc) just have there own “sweet spots”, that’s part of what gives them their character! I just wish (at times) my Keys felt the same…

So in reference to future OB enabled effects products, I’m feeling… well, pretty stoked to see whats next!

Potentiometer (again) = :+1:

They dont read feature request threads?:aw:


I don’t think many guitarists will be in to it. Most have distortion pretty covered and can just grab something like this for filter/eq-

Guess if they wanted to get deep on the sequencing/midi stuff then maybe tho…

Hasn’t appeared to hurt Allen & Heath much.


I think it could very well be. Long-haired dudebro walks in “Yo, just started a death/drone thrash metal project. Whatcha got?” Sales rep picks up an AH and says “Meet you at the cash register.”

Also, if they are trying to bring in instrumentalists to the fold, it’s strange they didn’t include an instrument line in. Maybe you can switch it like on Eventide/Strymon (though I didn’t see anything of that in the specifications…)

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Yes I agree. I don’t really want this

Yea there are a million million distortion pedals on the market, but the guitarist market itself is HUGE and something with a point of difference (aka acts as a soundcard with overbridge, filter inbuilt, many different types of distortion, LFO etc) as well as sounding really good…might have some decent appeal to the higher end players.
I guess we will see.

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