Analog Heat

Speaking as a user, a customer, a human, a member of this good community & not a moderator … do you honestly feel that this was a decent thing to do, to rain on the parade so ungraciously, was it really so important to you that you needed to tease us for absolutely ages about a new box that doesnt overlap things (which makes us think unique, and im 100% sure i heard some more buzzwords but I cant be bothered to look for them) and then not expect people to be a tad disappointed when its a stereo filter & distortion?


edit* im sure its a very good lot of distortion & filters. Im sure I could find a good use for it as well, but its still a bit of an anti-climax, as I said


It would have been perfect if there was a delay and a reverb inside this box!
I like my saturation and distortion to be before ambience fxs, and I can’t think of how to send analog distortion before the A4 dark reverb! …


Not to mention the extended waiting period thanks to the distribution bottleneck over here

That’s a legitimate emotion and opinion for sure my friend, but sometimes timing is everything :thup: These guys have worked on this for ages, it’s probably about the only thread they may stop to read imho, so a bit of discretion was all i’d have hoped for, keep those guys happy and less chance the thread goes south with all that dashed (user-built) expectation

I didn’t know I wanted one of these so much until I saw this, so they get my thumbs up again :thup:

When will we see a proper demo video of this in use?

It’s like its back to the machinedrum orange days with the screen :slight_smile:


Yeah, I can imagine this being great for the blo (although slightly expensive, costs more than a blo keyboard version)

it sounds nice but i’'d have liked delay too.

i already have a biscuit , this is probably a little easier to use but i dont need another cruncy distortion box.
i wonder if this form factor will be used to make delay and reverb too.

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No need for me, gonna buy an octatrack i think

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ah man its all good, if its deserving of praise it will get it! i’m not going to say ‘omg it looks amazing!!!’ just because its an elektron box. And that tease was worse than Rolands. This is Elektron - not massive teases for months from a big corp

Im sure it has tricks - flicking between filter/distortion presets at LFO speed? - AM/FM of the filter?


I’m initially underwhelmed but I guess I ought to wait for some meatier demos before passing judgment. I didn’t really want a rytm until I tried one and now it’s my fav piece of kit

Yeah, something like the tonal recall pedal in this form factor and OB would be sweet!

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i’m with you on this, those other 5 ports on my Overhub make much more sense now.

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To be honest, I just love distortion just in general. distortion for breakfast. yes. would do
And therefore I’m into this.
Also having got a rytm not so long ago, and I really really noticed how much difference the
analogue distortion + filter makes to samples…this thing makes sense…
Probably wont buy one (at least not for a while), because Im really not that rich and there are many other things my studio actually needs (most of all it needs me to be in it making music not working my arse off earning money to buy new devices)

I can see this product not really impressing already - dedicated Elektron fans as much as a new sequencer box would, but perhaps bringing some new ones into the fold - guitarists and in-the-box studio producers maybe ?

anyway sounds good to me

[quote=“pulsefrequenz, post:91, topic:31131”]
hey, future punks… this is your box…
[/quote] totally ha ha

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I think by this point we should expect these screens on all future devices from Elektron. Probably a matter of principle for these guys :slight_smile:

An aside: OMFG theres a preset call Rock Lobster?!?! The guitars on that track absolutely slay.

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Sorry - I’m confused - why are people not allowed to express their opinion?


Definitely useful, but this will be the first Elektron box I won’t be getting. Simply don’t need it. It sounds great for sure and I hope they are successful with it.

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You are right, but take into account that i can use it after the Octatrack, the last element in my chain. I’m sure it is midified, so a proper use is feasible for every thinkable purpose and sound-element routed thru it. I’m not a DAW-user, i don’t like it. So this will be a killer-box for me!

Seriously. This box could do away with sooooo many pedals. Though I think without a footswitch it might put off the more conservative guitarist.

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Well this is disappointing. I can see where there’s a small market for this, but I can’t really understand the point of not including at least a simple analog delay circuit somewhere in this. If it were $250 cheaper, I could get behind it and possibly even pick one up, but at this price point, I’d rather use plugins and search down vintage analog gear.

To be fair, it does seem pretty cool, but being only stereo and having no compression at the end means that I wouldn’t feel comfortable using it at the end of a live chain.

Perhaps I’ll keep an eye out for it when it’s older and pick one up second hand.