Analog Heat

I think they’re leaving their “work-flow” products in the past. I doubt they’ll make anything you can build an entire song from exclusively again

Careful, this thread is pretty unstable as it is


Someone help me here. Are those inputs TRS as in dual stereo inputs, i.e. I will be able to plug in Rytm and A4 without needing a mixer in between?

nope, check the product specs

two balanced TRS inputs (Balanced needs TRS so 0 chance of 2 stereo AFAIK)

I must admit being sceptical of this unit atm. Wish the manual was out soon.

Many professional engineers have moved away from using outboard and staying all ITB because of one issue - roundtrip conversion. Those people claim that better results can be obtained by plugins ITB, because they feel that extra conversion stages sound worse than processing ITB.

Not saying I agree with them, but subtle outboard processing can have caveats.

Perhaps this device is at its strongest when automated via OB but processing hw via cables?

(And hey, the culture vulture was just an example of the pricetags some “distortion boxes” have, not saying it’s the ultimate one - never tried one in person)

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My initials are Ah, I’m German heritage, and never made that connection between that ah or had another person…

I play sax, and was hoping for preamp + other fx so yeah doesnt fill the bucket for me either

bummer. That would have been a nice option to have. Surprised that was missed

Is this the same 2-pole filter as on the A4/AK/AR?

How are you setting this up using Overbridge audio over USB? Can you make a video? As far as I know Elektron has done no such thing and has left people to just try and figure things out on their own.

Wondering that as well. Some choices in filter types woulda been ace, like with the distortions. But if the dist stage can exist either before or after the filter, it will give some flexibility in this

4 overdrive types and 4 distinct filter types woulda been fiyah

The Evolver is a universal panacea.


im still speculating they will eventually make some kind of “Over-Track” type box, like an octatrack that uses overbridge internally, in the hardware… a master/fx/arranger type box, probably with sampling

it seems like a logical next step but who knows, could be way off on that

How many of us made a drum library folder called “Analog Heat” years before this product was announced? I almost want to buy this product for the name alone.

Just worth noting that the interactive demo of the AH states that the mid is scooped out with a band reject filter (and that the Decapitator doesn’t sound much like the CV).

Definitely inclined to give the AH a try but don’t think distortion is enough of a priority for me to part with the cash. Then again I had no interest in the Knas Ekdahl Moisturizer spring reverb/filter unit until I tried one and instantly fell in love so who knows.

Would be very interested to hear it used subtly across whole mixes - I’ve got some recordings of old tunes that I like but are a bit lifeless due to lack of producing chops back in the day, this might be just the device to give’em some new legs.

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Next step could be just the p-lockable MIDI sequencer with MIDI + CV outs, maybe even USB host, and a dozen of KNOBS !!!
I’d go for a mixer, though…

Still, I wait for Cenk’s demo before making my mind on this brand new :3lektron: :elan: :heat:


reserving my opinion for demos but initially - something i can live without. unlike my A4 and AR

I should probably do a video to explain it properly shouldn’t I? I will if there’s a demand for it.

Only video I’ve ever made was for the last Science Lab competition…anyone got recommendations for screen/audio cap software?

Makes me wonder if the AH will play nicely via USB if you’re also streaming lots of audio from the RYTM/4?

Seems like it will make a decent saturation/overdrive/distortion box. Obviously best implemented as a send FX. I think the success will be based on how it compares to competitors outboard FX units and pedals at it’s price point.

It would be greatly appreciated by many!

Most likely VAT.