Analog Heat

indeed. I remain sceptical (but hopeful) regarding this as well

since having an AR, I have the barebones of the heat features already. For me it will boil down to the EQ (hoping its a parametric instead of a simple tonelux tilt type) and the tonal flexibility of the distortion models (and their possible routability)

That input on the AR only hits the compressor. It taps the signal Post Dist / Pre Comp.

Elektron’s gunning for the non-Elektrons with this one. While we debate and analyse, there’s this other crowd, probably pretty big, that’s never used Elektron products before, and now they’re going: “Hmmm … Elektron just got interesting for me.”

We’re the converted. We have our Rytms, our AhFours, our Octatracks. Now, they’re coming for the others. I think it’s gonna go down extremely well.


Hmmm. I like but not at this price. Sadly kinda makes me regret selling my electrix filter factory :frowning: And I am a true fanboy. It’s ok tho. Cenk will be to the rescue. If we can pair the FX sends on other units step sequencers, it’s a win.

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Guess: envelope follower response speed.


Ok, it’s not what many in that thread said they wanted. It’s expensive, it just does one job. Distortion is something that is still difficult to get sounding really convincing in software - if this is exceptional sounding then it will be worth whatever it costs, if it’s just ok then it will sink without trace. Let’s try it before we decide which it is.

More broadly, what have we learned from that thread. People are keen for an Elektron mixer - no one can agree about what it should look like but it’s clearly the thing that’s missing from your rig if you have a few boxes and some FX. Plenty are available but we want one that the same format as the other boxes. A mixer is also the obvious place to use Overbridge, that most marmite of Elektron offerings. Overbridge to a computer from the mixer would be obvious, also Overbridge to to mixer from the Elektron boxes (no computer involved) would be great for live and if that’s not stable then nothing will be. However it works, people will moan about it when it comes out.

The other thing that came out from the thread is that OT isn’t quite there for many people. Lots of the suggestions for the mixer sounded almost identical to the feature set of the OT but there were as many OT users wanting a V2.

Back to the matter in (nobodies) hand (yet). This could really be the year that I’m convinced that I need a distortion pedal with a USB port, what a time to be alive!


Anyone know if this has Mid/Side as well? I’ve got the Elysia Karacter 500 series and saturation on the Sides separate from the Mid is a serious mastering trick that works. I’d much rather buy the AH if it does M/S and get filter options and sell my Karacter.

hey, good point! This wouldn’t be totally impossible (doesn’t even the OT have some MS fx?)

At least you can pull off MS processing via OB in any case

just took out my ruler …

a 4 : Dimensions: W340×D176×H63mm

AH : Dimensions: W215×D184×H63mm

can you imagine how this is not lining up in between any 2 of the fun boxes … tear runs down my chin

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it has those OT-type i/o sockets, maybe the 8mm extra comes from that?

Are those socket types somehow advantageous to the flush ones btw? More shield contact surface for the connector?

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why the :heat: did you move my :heat:? its not in ANALOG :heat: NEWS its clearly where I :heat: my topic! :heat: it back!

[Mod note : cooled it down, too hot to leave burning away ]

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  1. another LFO

  2. reduced latency

  3. bigger display

  4. change the control in to a new set of Audio Ins

  5. change Press and Hold Save to Settings+Yes

  6. allow for contrast settings of display

Im fairly new to the Elktron gear but have messed around sending signals from my Daw through the overbridge and back in to the Elektron Rythm so I could use primarily the compressor and a little saturation and it works very well on entire mixes and of course individual sounds - drum loops etc. I find the compressor excellent. It can be brutal but there are many sweet spots. Anyway, I get great results from that and have no doubt the AH will do what you want in spades as there are many more saturation/distortion flavors. Definitely you can achieve ‘enhanced’ tape saturation and more from the AH.

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So inspired.

Thats a big statement

You must be talking about the physical inputs on the AR?
With overbridge - signals from the daw can be sent to any of the drum engines and you can use the filters + all the FX including the compressor. Have to use the Input FX L/R channels for stereo though and in doing so you cant access the filters. Mono signals sent to a drum synth channel can access all the on-board stuff.

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I could sell the rytm and run mduw through this instead. Or not.

It makes business sense to me. Selling gear with a designated workflow seems nichey. The release of AH is a move towards a more universal demographic. No to mention, there’s been some sequencer competition hit the market and Elektron elected not to compete back. Like, effects/processing is their new series. That’ll easily be a 3-4 year venture, I reckon. After that succeeds, then the Elektron game has changed.

That’s how I see it, anyway

I think im gonna cry in a corner now.


Nice one for clarifying, I’d never used the inputs and assumed they’d be before filter/overdrive.

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